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VHDL Reference Guide - Generate Statement
Generate Statement

Concurrent Statement ---- used in ----> Architecture


label: for parameter in range generate
	concurrent statements
end generate label;

See LRM section 9.7

Rules and Examples

The for ..generate statement isd usually used to instantiate "arrays" of components. The generate parameter may be used to index array-type signals associated with component ports:
architecture GEN of REG_BANK is
  component REG
    port(D,CLK,RESET : in  std_ulogic;
         Q           : out std_ulogic);
  end component;
   for I in 0 to 3 generate
      REGX : REG port map
        (DIN(I), CLK, RESET, DOUT(I));
   end generate GEN_REG;
end GEN;

A label is compulsory with a generate statement. The for ... generate statement is particularily powerful when used with integer generics.
Instance labels inside a generate statement do not need to have an index:
REGX(I):	-- Illegal
for .. generate statements may be nested to create two-dimensional instance "arrays".

Another form of generate is the if ... generate statement. This is usually used within a for .. generate statement, to account for irregularity. For instance, a ripple-carry adder with no carry-in:
architecture GEN of RIPPLE is

  component FULLADD
    port (A,B,CIN : in bit;
          SUM, CARRY : out bit);
  end component;

  component HALFADD 
  port(A,B : in bit;
       SUM, CARRY : out bit);
  end component;

  signal C : bit_vector(0 to 7);


  GEN_ADD: for I in 0 to 7 generate

    LOWER_BIT: if I=0 generate
      U0: HALFADD port map
    end generate LOWER_BIT;

    UPPER_BITS: if I>0 generate
      UX: FULLADD port map
    end generate UPPER_BITS;

  end generate GEN_ADD;

  COUT <= C(7);

end GEN;

Synthesis Issues

Generate statements are usually supported for synthesis.

Whats New in '93

In VHDL-93, a generate statement may contain local declarations, followed by the kjeyword begin.