
What can Mosaic do?
Mosaic has the following features:
- A consistent mouse-driven graphical interface.
- The ability to display hypertext and hypermedia documents.
- The ability to display electronic text in a variety of fonts.
- The ability to display text in bold, italic, or strikethrough styles.
- The ability to display layout elements such as paragraphs, lists, numbered and bulleted lists, and quoted paragraphs.
- Support for sounds (Macintosh, Sun audio format, and others).
- Support for movies (MPEG-1 and QuickTime).
- The ability to display characters as defined in the ISO 8859 set (it can display languages such as French, German, and Spanish).
- Interactive electronic forms support, with a variety of basic forms elements, such as fields, check boxes, and radio buttons.
- Support for interactive graphics (in GIF or XBM format) of up to 256 colors within documents.
- The ability to make basic hypermedia links to and support for the following network services: FTP, gopher, telnet, NNTP, WAIS.
- The ability to extend its functionality by creating custom scripts (comparable to XCMDs in HyperCard on Macintosh computers).
- The ability to have other applications control its display remotely.
- The ability to broadcast its contents to a network of users running multiplatform groupware such as NCSA's Collage.
- Support for the current standards of HTTP and HTML.
- The ability to keep a history of travelled hyperlinks.
- The ability to store and retrieve a list of viewed documents for future use.
