1 For a picture of the grave, see
[2] Mainstream, Western.
3 A list of causes of mortality and morbidity, now administered by the World
Health Organization. See Bowker and Star (1991; 1994) for analysis of its
evolution and importance for STS.
[4 ]AIDS presents a similar challenge, as a condition, not
per se a disease, and equally protean in expression.
[5 A debate which occurs in many arguments about medical
classification, see Bowker, Timmermans and Neumann, in prep, about a similar
argument in nursing classification about algorithmic vs. natural language
6 Here we are reminded of the classic work of interactionist sociologist
Donald Roy on breaking up boring, routine time on the factory assembly line
(Roy, 1959)
7 Roth has an eloquent analysis of how this image has come to be a powerful one
in the medical literature; he argues it is in fact statistically quite rare.
8 After the 1847 Dumas novel, ]La belle dame aux camelias[.
9 ]Thanks to Jay Lemke (personal communication) for this useful
distinction, which we hope to explore more in future work.[