Another pepper pitcher

There was some confusion about the rules for pitchers...the Pepper coach thought the usual seven inning per week limit held, and switched pitchers to save their best one for later, while we played our best pitcher (Breanna) the whole game with the understanding that (to avoid giving teams with byes an unfair advantage) the first round of playoffs counted as a separate week.
Taken Tuesday, May 11, 2004, 05:56:43pm. Original image size: 2048x3072, 5.6Mb
Technical details: Canon EOS D60, 1/640s @ F2.8, ISO 100, 70-200mm/F2.8 @ 190mm (304mm equiv)
PS7 CRW 0:6:50:60:0:25:5+M, Crop, USM 10:30