The Green Wave

Two days later the waves from Hurricane Hernan were up to 18 feet high near here at The Wedge...
Taken Monday, September 02, 2002, 05:11:42pm. Original image size: 2916x1944, 6.3Mb
Technical details: Canon EOS D60, 1/250s @ F5.6, ISO 100, 70-200mm/F2.8 @ 200mm (320mm equiv)
PS6 Colin 3.0 High R 62:1.1:200, G 70:1.1:195, B 71:1.1:205, Level, USM 100:0.5, DV medium, Blur AB sky 8, Saturate 150:180:215:245 -15, Levels 0:1.15:255, Auto Contrast