CS 261, Winter 2011: Data Structures
This course meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
2:00 - 2:50 in Bren 1200. Coursework will consist of weekly homeworks,
one midterm and a comprehensive final exam. Grading will be based 20% on
homework, 35% for the midterm, and 45% for the final.
The reader assigned to the course is Leila Jalali
There is no required textbook; however, you may find the following helpful for some of the material:
- Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein. I don't recommend that you buy the book for this course (it is expensive and only covers part of the material) but many of you are likely to have it from undergraduate CS courses and it includes useful material on several topics from this course. Other algorithms texts are also likely to be helpful; the one I use in my undergraduate algorithms courses is "Algorithm Design" by Goodrich and Tamassia.
- Lecture notes from similar courses here and elsewhere:
- When possible I will try to include more specific links to Wikipedia or other related online reading from the schedule of topics below.
Below is a tentative schedule of topics and readings. Dates for specific topics are subject to change, but the exam schedule is firm.
- Week 1 (Jan 3-5-7):
- Week 2 (Jan 10-12-14):
- Week 3 (Jan 17-19-21):
- Week 4 (Jan 24-26-28):
- Week 5 (Jan 31, Feb 2-4):
- Week 6 (Feb 7-9-11):
- Week 7 (Feb 14-16-18):
- Week 8 (Feb 21-23-25):
- Week 9 (Feb 28, Mar 2-4):
- Week 10 (Mar 7-9-11):
- FINAL EXAM, Friday, March 18, 1:30-3:30pm.
Several exams from past offerings of this course are online: Midterm, Winter 1999 (solutions); Final, Fall 2003; Final, Fall 2004; Midterm,
Winter 2006 (solutions); Final, Winter 2006.
For additional course-related information see the syllabus from my
previous offering in Winter 2010 and previous quarters linked from
David Eppstein,
ICS, UC Irvine.