ICS 1F -- What Can We Compute?
Winter Quarter, 1998
Course Outline and Relevant Reading

Instructor: David Eppstein, CS 358D, 824-6384, eppstein@ics.uci.edu. Course work will consist of weekly homeworks, a midterm, and a comprehensive final exam. Group work on homeworks is not permitted.

Readings in the texts are indicated in brackets after the lecture topic to which they correspond. ECM stands for Essential Computer Mathematics, while NTO stands for The New Turing Omnibus. The abbreviation of the book is followed by a colon and a chapter number. For example, ``NTO:22'' refers to chapter 22 of The New Turing Omnibus. Occasionally the chapter number is followed by a period and a section number. For example, ``ECM:14.1'' refers to section 1 of chapter 14 of Essential Computer Mathematics. An asterisk preceding a reading, such as [NTO:*13], means that the chapter contains some difficult material and you are not expected to read it completely and in detail.

This outline is not absolutely firm. Some changes may be made as the quarter progresses.

David Eppstein, Dept. Information & Computer Science, UC Irvine, .