Computer Science 163/265, Spring 2015:
Graph Algorithms

General Course Information

The course meets Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 2:00 - 2:50 in Steinhaus 134. Prof. Eppstein's office hours are Tuesdays 1:30 - 3:00 (or by appointment) in Bren 4082. The T.A. is Jenny Lam; her office hours are Mon 9:00 - 10:30 in Bren 4032, Wed 10:30-12:00 in Bren 4013, and Fri 10:30-12 in Bren 3013. We also have Shu "Aimery" Kong as a reader.

Coursework will consist of weekly homeworks, a midterm, and a comprehensive final exam. Group work on homeworks is permitted; each student should turn in his or her own copy of the homeworks. The undergraduate (163) and graduate (265) courses will share lectures, and some homework problems; however, the graduate course will have additional homework problems and different exams. Homeworks will be due electronically in PDF format via the eee web site.

The text we will be using is Graph Algorithms, a collection of readings compiled from Wikipedia. Homework solutions will be posted here.

The final grade will be formed by combining the numerical scores from the homeworks (20%), midterm (35%), and final (45%).

Tentative Schedule of Topics

Material from Previous Course Offerings