Directions to Dutt's office: 3086 Bren
View on UCI map, Select Action Locate Buildings -> Bren Hall DBH
Parking near Bren Hall:
Use the
Anteater Parking Structure (APS):
View on UCI map, Select Action Locate Parking
Lots/Structures -> Anteater Parking Structure
You can
obtain a parking permit at the kiosk (intersection of Anteater Road and E. Peltason Drive)
Driving directions to Bren Hall:
Taxi from Orange County (SNA) airport:
Ask the
taxi driver to drop you off at the UCI University Club,
the intersection of Peltason and Los Trancos on campus.
(This is
Parking Lot 18B in the UCI map.)
Bren Hall
is right next to the University Club.
Shuttle from local area hotels:
Most area
hotels offer complimentary shuttle service to UCI.
Ask the
shuttle driver to drop you off at the UCI University Club
the intersection of Peltason and Los Trancos on campus.
(This is
Parking Lot 18B in the UCI map.)
Bren Hall
is right next to the University Club.