Informatics 141: Information Retrieval:

Assignment 01

Winter 2009

Department of Informatics

Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

University of California, Irvine

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Due 1/9/2009

  1. Goals:
    1. This assignment is designed to help me gather information about you so that I can make this the best class possible.
    2. To make sure your expectations match mine regarding the policies in this class.
  2. Digital Photo (30%)
    1. Take a digital photo of your face. (Crop it so that it is 250 pixels by 250 pixels)
    2. Email it with your full name to the TA.
    3. Evaluation:
      1. Is it a picture of your face?
      2. Is it 250x 250 pixels?
      3. Did it show up by the due date?
  3. Take the Get to Know You Survey (30%)
    1. Located here (
    2. It will not work after the due date.
    3. Make sure you hit submit at the end of the survey.
    4. Evaluation:
      1. Is your survey complete and in the system by the due date?
  4. Turn in a signed hard copy of the administrative policies (33%)
    1. Here is the form.
    2. Evaluation:
      1. Did it show up by the due date?