Mueller's from Strzyzow & Lezajsk, Galicia

From: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
TO: Moishe Miller
Subject: jewish geneology
Priority: Normal
Date: 12/8/97 10:44 PM
I came across the Jewish geneological organization website and began scanning
for names and towns of my parents' family in Poland.
My mother's maiden name is Muller; she was born in Switzerland, but her parents
came from Poland, her father from Tarnow. His name was Salomon Muller. His
father's name was Joseph Muller and his mother was Sara (Leisten) Muller.
Are you looking for Mullers or Millers? Am curious to hear...
Pearl Saban
From: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
TO: Moishe Miller
Subject: One more note...
Priority: Normal
Date: 12/10/97 10:51 PM
I forgot to mention that my grandfather, Salomon Muller, had 3 siblings: Adolf
(Abraham) who married Cyrel Schapiro; David, who married Erna Plattner, and a
sister Blima, who married Kalman Citrinbaum. (it is their daughter, Shulamith,
who is trying to trace the family history.)
Their father, Joseph, married Sarah Leisten (from Tarnow). Joseph was from
The story unfolds...
Pearl Saban
Subject: Miller/Muller connections
Author: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
Date: 12/10/97 10:44 PM
Hello again from Toronto, Canada.
I received your response to my e mail, looked up your
website (VERY INTERESTING!!! and no doubt a lot of effort
and time went into the research), and was convinced that
there are no links between us.
HOWEVER, today I was visiting my folks and started to
question my mother on some of the names in her family.
She gave me some info from her mother's side (Muhlrad)
and some from her father's side that a cousin in Israel
(also researching the family tree) supplied her with.
And if my info is of use to you, perhaps I can get you
in touch with that cousin for more information. (her
name is Shulamith Bet-Yannai, formerly Winestock,
nee Citrinbaum)
Well, I was reviewing the info and then plugged back
onto your website, to the broken Miller branches,
specifically Muellers from Strzyzow and Lezajsk, and I
found some common information. I quote now from letter
written to my mother in 1992 from that cousin in Israel.
"As you probably know, our grandfather wrote about his
father, Shabtai, and mentioned his own grandfather and
grandmother, namely isaac and Chaya-Tzvia. He also
wrote that Shabtai was born and died in Strzyzow, and
not in Lejansk as we thought. I looked for this place
at the library and at my great astonishment found a huge
Yizkor book from that shtetl, about 400 pages, half
Hebrew, half Yiddish. Unfortunately there is nothing
left from that community since a fire burst out in 1898
and all the documents were destroyed. From what our
grandfather wrote, it appears that when he did write
those pages, his mother, Fruma, born Licht ,was still
There is also another letter from the cousin mentioning
some different names--
Hauser ; Miriam-Gitche Singer , nee Hauser, and my
grandfather were first cousins. And there were names of
cousins Feiga, Dora, Kalman and Shmuel who perished in
the Holocaust.
So, I've suddenly become VERY fascinated by the family
connections, and hope I can help somehow in your
research. My mother will supply me with more info if
necessary, as will her sister in Chicago.
Looking forward to hearing from you...
Pearl Saban
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: r & p saban <>
Date: Thursday, December 11, 1997 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: Miller/Muller connections
I have communicated with Shulamith several times.
How are you related to her? That family is definitely
related to mine. If you are from, we are somehow
cousins. I have contacted some members from Canada
that spell the name as Mueller. They were studying
in Switzerland in the 1930's I believe. Are you from
this branch? Can you expand out the upper portion of
the tree any further?
_______________________ Reply Separator _______________________
Subject: Re: Miller/Muller connections
Author: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
Date: 12/11/97 2:20 PM
Shulamith is my mother's first cousin; Shulamith's mother,
Blima, was my mother's father's sister. Shulamith also
has a sister, Tirza, in Israel. The Citrinbaums used to
live in Geneva, Switzerland. The Muellers are my mother's
first cousins; their father, Adolf (Abraham) was my
grandfather's brother. They were all born in Switzerland,
living in Zurich; my mother was born in Basel. They
"made aliyah" to Canada in the early fifties, I believe,
and my mother came to visit them in 1956; she met my
father on that visit and the rest is Adler-Muller history.
The Muellers also vary the spelling of their name; some
are Muller; some are Mueller; some are Miller.
There are several siblings: Marcus (who passed away from
polio as a young boy); Ignaz (Irving, who lives here; he's
a Mueller); Sylvain (named after Shabsi; he's a Miller
and lives here); Gabi (Gabriel, who lives in Ohio, I
think and is a Miller); Michael (who lives here and is a
Muller); Raphael (Ralph, who lives here and is a Muller);
and there's a sister, Helen Krokocki, who lived in Toronto,
but has made aliyah and lives on a moshav with her family.
Does that help any?
______________________________ Reply Separator_________________________________
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: r & p saban <>
Date: Thursday, December 11, 1997 6:42 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Miller/Muller connections
So we are definately cousins, just do not know how. You
have a very elderly cousin out in CA who supplied me
with info as well. Any chance of you getting the death
record for Yitzchok from Stryzow?
Take Care and please stay in touch. If you know of any
other cousins, please tell me, even if you do not know
how they are related. I spoke to Ignacz because he went
to school with Johnny Miller, who is on our tree.
From: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
TO: Moishe Miller
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Miller/Muller connections
Priority: Normal
Date: 12/11/97 9:50 PM
Yes, that elderly cousin in California is no doubt
Gershon Muller; I think because of Shulamith's research,
my mother reconnected with him several years ago, and
they talk on the phone at least once a year. He's over
80; at least I think that was the last significant b'dayhe had. Maybe he's
I doubt I can get a death record for Yitchok, but I'll
see what's out there. I think my grandfather, Salomon,
had written family tree matters, ie. births, deaths,
marriages in his Yom Tov machzors; I can check that out
too. I'll keep you supplied with info. if there's any
to be had.
Many years ago (14 to be exact) I was in Israel and
visiting elderly cousins of my mother, no doubt a cousin
of my mother's father. I remember talking about family
connections and she said that it's said that the
author/playwright Arthur Miller is from the family
(Family resemblances are strong), that his father or was
it his grandfather, had left Poland decades earlier for
the U.S. Family members have tried to reach him on that
matter, but I think he denies it. Have you heard of this
potential family member?
Have a good Shabbos.
Author: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
Date: 9/5/98 11:54 PM
Priority: Normal
TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Subject: Miller Family Connections
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Dear Moishe,
No doubt you've heard of the saying "Oh, what a tangled web we weave..."
Well, I just thought I'd let you know in a warped way how very true that is.
I'd been in touch with you last fall, as you discovered my name on the Jewish
Gen. site and my search for Miller; you wrote about your family tree and I wrote
to you how I'm connected to it.
My connection is via the Broken Miller Branches file, specifically the Muellers
from Strzyzow, and Lesanjsk, Galicia. My mother's paternal grandfather, Joseph
Muller, was the son of Shabsi Muller who married Frimit Licht (I think that's
how it goes...) My mother is from Basel, Switzerland, her parents went there
after Poland, etc. (my mom's first cousin is Shulamith Bet-Yannai in
Jerusalem...) Ring any bells...?
Well, for months, I've been looking back at your site, looking for updates, etc.
One day, I was reading the dedication names and cross-references, and ended up
in the Shabsi (Bukovska) Yitzchak Miller Family tree, and was scanning names of
parents and children, specifically Avrohm. I came upon the name of one of his
daughter, Tzvetta. Now, it jumped off the screen for me because I've only heard
that name once before -- my cousin had a baby earlier this year and gave that
middle name to her after her late grandmother whom she was quite close to. I
read on in the description and saw the names of Tzvetta's kids, one of whom is
Chana Geller. Well, this cousin I mentioned is my first cousin's wife; her
maiden name was Geller. She was out of town for the summer, so I couldn't reach
her to ask her if that's her mother's name. We found an invitation for that
cousin's wedding about 21 years ago, and saw that her mother's name is Chana
Geller. Could it be the same one? I wondered for about 3 months.
Well, tonight after Shabbat was over, I finally got to reach this cousin (Far
Rockaway, NY) by phone, threw out my left field question to her if her
grandmother passed away at the listed year, and went on to read the description.
Lo and behold, yes! Chana Geller is this cousin's mother, Tzvetta was her
grandmother and a Miller by birth.
I don't know if you still consider that the Broken Miller Branches (from which
I stem) are part of the big picture, and related, but isn't that weird? My
mother was the Muller; she married my dad, an Adler. That Adler has one sister
who has one son. That son married a Geller; that Geller's grandmother had been a
Miller at birth and on your tree.
I will be sending my cousin the information and the web site address for the
tree; she'll be delighted and interested to see it and the photo of Tzvetta that
you placed with the description. My cousin, Sara, tells me her mother, Chana,
was born in the U.S., not Europe.
I have heard from others who saw my name on the Jewish Gen. site, and the names
and places I was curious about. And yes, I did find other relatives. Oh, how
the world is made a smaller place...
Wishing you and yours all the best for the coming year. May it be filled with
lots of good health, happiness, and continued information for your family tree.
Keep up the good work!
Pearl Saban
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: r & p saban <>
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Miller Family Connections
> Hi,
> Of course I remember, but slowwwww down. You lost me at the very end.
> I know of the Tzvetta connection and am in constant contact with the
> Lesser's and Parnes'. You lost me as to how Joseph Muller fits into my
> big tree. Who is your cousinf with the baby Tzvetta, and how? I would
> love to connect you right in. I have always known you to be a part of
> the tree, which is why you are in the "broken", rather than "other"
> tree section. Please provide some more detail so that I can re-attach
> your branch. Do you have this on Family Tree Maker or some other
> GEDCOM program?
> -Moishe
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author: "r & p saban" <> at INTERNET
Date: 9/8/98 9:25 PM
Priority: Normal
TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Subject: Re: Miller Family Connections
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Hi, Moishe,
Here is a brief explanation again--my only first cousin from my FATHER's
side (my father's only surviving sibling's only child) married a girl, Sara
Geller. Sara Geller's mother is Chana Geller; Chana is the youngest
daughter of Tzvetta, who was born a Miller and married R. Dovid Nusson
Lesser. Sara had a baby earlier this year, whom she named Adina Tzvetta.
As for Joseph Muller... I don't know that he fits into the big tree; he'd be
an offshoot from that broken Lezansk branch. My mother is Lilli
Muller-Adler; her father was Salomon Muller of Tarnow, later of Basel,
Switzerland. Salomon's parents were Joseph and Sara(Leisten) ; Joseph's
father was Shabtai, who married Frimit Licht; Shabtai's parents were Yitchok
and Chaya Tzvia.
I think my grandfather, Salomon, had written some brief Yahrzeits and
names/details in the inside cover of his siddurim and machzorim, but it's in
German, and what my mother could make out of the information just names the
children of Shabsi (Shabtai) and Frimit and brief outlines of who they married
and number of kids.
Moishe, I'm such an amateur at this genealogy stuff, I don't even know what
those 2 references you mentioned are. All I've done is ask my mother in the
past year for names; it's her first cousin in Israel, Shulamith, who's
avidly pursuing this tree for years. I really have no other details, I'm
sorry. If my mother finds any other of my grandfather's papers with family
information, I'll be sure to pass it on. My mother has an older sister
living in Chicago (Dr. Esther Kornel), but I don't know if she has any of my
grandfather's personal papers; I doubt it, because after my grandmother
died, and my grandfather moved from Switzerland to Canada, he lived with us,
until his death in 1965. (I'd just turned 4 at the time)
If you've already been in touch with my mother's first cousins here in
Toronto, as you mentioned in a former e-mail, (ie. Ignacz-Irving, I think it
was), they must've given you info on their father, Abraham (my grandfather's
brother), that they had. I wouldn't even know where or how to start
looking for more info!
Subject: שלום רב!
From: ישראל בוקשפאן
Date: Sun, Nov 09, 2014 4:51 am
לכבוד משה, שלום רב!
הגעתי למייל שלך דרך האתר 'מילר גנאלוגיה' בקישור הזה:
אני בן של מרת לאה מליא
בת ר' אלכסנדר מילר ז"ל
בן ר' דוד אלימלך
בן ר' חיים יצחק מילר
בן ר' שבתי,
באתר שלך תמצא אותי בענפים השבורים מס' 12,
אני מחפש עוד חומר על משפחתי.
אשמח לשמוע על עוד מידע.
ישראל בוקשפן

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 7/26/15