Film Numbers
Other Films
Stropkov Jews c.1942
Stropkov History
Stropkov Deportation

Films 1793861 - 1793863; 1851-1901.
Jewish records of births, marriages and deaths from community registers for
Stropkov, Slovakia;
formerly Sztropkâo, Zemplâen, Hungary. Text in Hungarian and German. The records are divided among several
(about thirty in all) sections or books on the microfilm.
These are referred to as items. The breakdown below is
still incomplete. These records can be found at the archives in Presov, v. 1186a-1190. |
Birth 1851-1885 --------------------------- 1793861
Death 1851-1885 items 3-4
Birth 1886-1890
Birth 1890-1901 --------------------------- 1793862
Marriage 1886-1895
Death 1886-1899
Birth 1875-1895
Marriage 1875-1876, 1878-1895
Death 1875-1891
Death 1892-1895 --------------------------- 1793863
item 1