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LABOWA:                 USComm. no.POCE000745
     Labowa is located in Nowy Sacz. Cemetery location: SE of the village center, in the part called Labowa Wyzna. The town is located at 20.51 longitude, 49.32 latitude, and is 17 km from Nowy Sacz and 122 km from Krakow. Present town population is 1,000-5,000; no Jews.
     Town official: Urzad Gminy, 33-336 Labowa, tel. 12-27. Regional authorities: Wojewodzki Konserwator Zabytkow, mgr. inz. Zygmunt Lewczuk, ul. Kilinskiego 68, 33-300 Nowy Sacz, tel. 238-38 wew 234. Caretaker with key to cemetery: Franciszek Zaczyk, Labowa 130, 33-336 Labowa.
     Jewish population in 1921, last census before WWII, was 221. Orthodox Jews used this cemetery.
     Cemetery location: rural (agricultural), on a hillside, isolated. There is a sign or plaque in local language and Hebrew. It is reached by turning directly off a public road and is entirely closed. The is a fence and a gate that locks (see Caretaker).
     Present size of the cemetery is 0.8 hectares. There are 100-500 gravestones, all in original locations, less than 25% are toppled or broken. Tombstones are dated 19th-20th century. They are made of marble and sandstone that are finely smoothed and inscribed stones and flat stones with carved relief decorations. Inscriptions are in Hebrew. No known mass graves.
     Present owner of the cemetery property is unknown. It is used for a Jewish cemetery only. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are commercial/industrial and agricultural. The cemetery boundaries enclose the same area as before 1939. The cemetery is rarely visited by private visitors.
     The cemetery was vandalized prior to WWII, but not in last 10 years. Restoration was completed in 1982. There has been re-erection of stones, clearing of vegetation, and fixing of wall. There is a regular caretaker.
     There are no structures in the cemetery. Erosion and vegetation are moderate threats.
     The site was visited 17 Aug 1992 and the survey was completed 10 Sept 1992 by Piotr Antoniak, ul. Dobra 5 m 36, 05-800 Pruszkow. No interviews.
Miller Tree
I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 1/2/00