Film Numbers
Jewish Cemetery
Other Films

Films 1920775 - 1920777; 1844-1918.
Jewish records of births, marriages and deaths from community registers for
Koésice, Slovakia, formerly Kassa, Abauj-Torna, Hungary. Text in
German, Hungarian and Hebrew. The records are divided among several
(about twelve in all) sections or books on the microfilm.
These are referred to as items. The breakdown below is
still incomplete. These records can be found at the archives in Kosice. |
Birth 1851-1870 --------------------------------- 1920775
Birth 1870-1879 --------------------------------- 1920776
Birth 1880-1896
Marriage 1880-1918
Marriage 1844-1851
Death 1844-1851
Death 1880-1902
Death 1902-1915 --------------------------------- 1920777
Death 1886-1889 item 1-4
Birth 1886-1895
Marriage 1886-1895
Death 1890-1895
SRA - State Regional Archives
SDA - State District Archives
* Kosice (city)
Archiv mesta Kosic (Archives of the City of Kosice)
Kovacska 20/I
040 01 Kosice
* Kosice (district)
Statny okresny archiv (SDA)
Kovacska 20/II
042 11 Kosice
* Statny oblastny archiv (SRA)
Statny Oblastny Archiv V Kosiciach
Bacikova 1, P.O. Box C-26
041 56 Kosice