The Miller Family; Numeric Index

The index is currently in the process of being built. Please come back at a later date to check for its completion. Thanks for your patience.

Avrohm Aba Miller L1
Yakov Mylech Miller L1.1
Pesach Dovid Miller L1.2
Yisroel Yitzchok Miller L1.3
Shabsi Miller Miller L1.1.1
Raphael Meyer Miller L1.2.1
Shabsi Yitzchok Miller L1.2.2
Basha Diamant nee Miller L1.2.3
Yuska Miller L1.2.4
Naftali Miller L1.2.5
Shlomo Schönfeld (Miller) L1.2.6

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.

Moishe Miller

My home address is
           1374 East 28th Street
           Brooklyn NY 11210-5311

Last updated 1/2/00