Hersch and Ruchel Langsam from Blazowa

Author: Suzan Wynne at INTERNET
Date: 9/19/98 10:28 AM
Priority: Normal
TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Updated Book]
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Moishe_Miller@ccmail.prusec.com wrote:
> I did not receive anything in your response.
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: [Fwd: Re: Updated Book]
> Author: Suzan Wynne at INTERNET
> Date: 9/18/98 7:30 AM
> Hi,
> I will discuss the question with the sponsor. Some of what might be good to
> know: How many books did you sell when you did it? What do you anticipate as a
> real (rather than casual) interest this time among L2-5?
> Oscar, is he a big-time real estate guy from the
> Bronx/Florida?
> Can you forward any his email?
> -Take Care!
> Moishe
Moishe, i was trying to forward a very long missive from Jehoshua
"Oscar" Langsam who seems to live in Israel. He had an interesting take
on Pesach. His family lore has it that Pesach is a direct descendant of
Issachar, son of Jacob. Though he states that his family is connected
to Pesach Langsam, he does not say how. What he does know is that his
grandparents were Hersch and Ruchel Langsam from Blazowa.
His father, Aaron, their son, was able to get on an illegal ship from
Danzig to Palestine with about 1300 others. The boat was captured and
detained in Yugoslavia and all were shot by the Nazis. After the war,
the bodies were exhumed from their mass grave in Sabac, Yugo. and
reburied in a Jewish cemetery in Belgrade.
His mother, Esther and her two sons waited in Danzig for opportunities
to flee. They left with 500 others, the last to successfully leave, on
a train to Bratislava where they picked up a series of boats. After 3
months they arrived in Haifa. They were detained. The 3 year boy died
of typhoid. Esther and Oscar were exiled to Mauritius until August
1945. Esther remarried and had two more children.
Oscar sent a tree but I couldn't read it. I've asked him to mail it to
me since we've had such difficulty communicating.
I've asked him if he knows more about how his grandfather might have
been connected to Pesach Langsam's children. As far as I know, his
family is not in the book.
Oscar's address is
Oscar has a changing site and this is the link to the basic information he has posted as I downloaded it. Forgive me, but the images do not load. I did not copy them.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller moishe@langsam.com
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 1/23/00