The Ephraim Langsam Family

Subject: pesach langsam
PostedDate: 02/08/99 04:13:26 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 02/08/99 04:17:48 PM
You wrote to my brother-in-law Joel Ives about Pesach Langsam. That was
my father's hebrew name, English Paul Langsam. When we moved a cousin of
ours gave me an entire digest of Langsam's we have not unpacked this as we
are in temp housing till our knew house is built. You might have interest
in that. If you wish more info about our family my grandfather his
children etc. please advise. Only my cousins are alive none of the direct
descendants of my grandfather Nathan are. I believe I was named for my
fathers grandfather one Ephraim the other Fimeth which one was a Langsam
could be in the volume of family tree I alluded to.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, February 08, 1999 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: pesach langsam
I would be very interested in any detail you could provide. Is the digest
you speak of a white soft-covered book with the title Langsam~Spira Family?
Have you had a chance to check out my website at:
I would be interested in anything you could tell me.
Subject: Re: pesach langsam
PostedDate: 02/09/99 08:41:18 AM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 02/09/99 08:45:47 AM
I believe the book had a blue cover and am not sure what the names were on
the outside. Unfortunately we are not moving until June and have no idea
what box the book is in. I will however check with my sister and one of
my cousins to see if they might have a copy.
My father was one of 5. One sister died at 11 the others were all older
Irving,Lillian and Martha. Lillian was never married and Martha was
married late in life no children. Only Irving with wife Bessie who I never
knew as they were divorced had two sons Ralph and Herbert Langsam. Ralph
with his wife lives in Palm Beach Gardens and he has twin daughters Carol
and Diane. Herbert like my father was a pharmacist. Extremely successful
with nursing homes lives in Okla.City has one daughter who I never met.
Subject: Re: Family Tree of the Jewish People: Phyllis LANGSAM
PostedDate: 03/22/99 10:05:23 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 03/22/99 10:06:38 PM
Moishe Miller wrote:
I passed your message on to my sister-in-law Phyllis who lives in Ohio.
She is not involved in genealogy.
Joel Ives
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 21, 1999 10:02 AM
Subject: Langsam
>In the interim, while you wait to move and unpack, do you think I might be
>able to contact a few people? Perhaps the cousin who actually gave you the
>book in question? Also, what about Ralph or Herbert? Either of them or
>their kids genealogically inclined?
Subject: Re: Langsam
PostedDate: 03/23/99 01:26:25 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 03/23/99 01:33:18 PM
I haven't spoken to Herbert Langsam in a while say hi from me his address
and I believe it was he who sent me the book. address 2319 NW 59th St.
Oklahoma City Okla 73112 405-842-7502. His brother Ralph 3694 Dijon Way,
West Palm Beach Fl.33410 say hi as well phone # 561-624-4649 hope these
you on your quest for info.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: pesach langsam
>Please forgive me but I would like a slight recap. Your lineage from your
>father is
>Paul (Pesach), son of Nathan, son of Ephraim. Can you verify that I have
>Also, before the US, where did they live? When did they come? Any siblings
>for Nathan?
>Thanks for your cooperation,
Subject: Re: pesach langsam
PostedDate: 03/23/99 01:28:22 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 03/23/99 01:34:59 PM
to your other request it has been many yrs. I don't remember mtg. any
of their relatives but again I was the youngest grandchild all my cousins
were 15+yrs. older than I.
From: "Phyllis Ives" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Langsam Family
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:49:22 -0500
Actually I do have it let me look thru it is multiple pages what is you
mailing address?
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: Langsam Family
>How is the unpacking? That's what you were up to last time we emailed.
>Anything new on the genealogical front?
>-Moishe Miller

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 2/7/00