The Ephraim Shmuel Langsam Family

Ephraim Shmuel
, son of Pesach Langsam, had at least one son. Nothing is known about him except that he is presumed to have died young. |
- Pesach (c. 1820 - c.1895) of Blazowa, Galicia, married Sara Miriam Tscherlit. Together they had 2 known children. Pesach may have later remarried, possibly twice including a women named Fayga. He passed away in the town of Bialka, which is near Blazowa.
- Chaim Efraim Shmuel (1838 - Jan 1, 1920) married Miriam (Mary) Landesman (1842 - Apr 22, 1893) in 1855 and had five known children. He came to the USA in 1886 and she followed with her son, Moishe. They arrived in New York city on Sep 22, 1892, aboard the Moraira, sailing out of Hamburg, Germany. Just a short time after her arrival she passed away. Chaim Efraim Shmuel remarried Chana Reisel (1834 - 1914), daughter of Samuel Asper, on Jun 28, 1893.
Sarah Weissman, Michael (Zvi Elimelech), Moise Itzcha, Pesha Reader & Nathan (Nauta)
- Beila died young. Bella Geier nee Weissman was named after her.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 1/5/02