The Chaim Leib Langsam Family

Chaim Leib
(c.1783- 1866), son of Pesach Langsam, married Chana, a young woman who was an orphan. They had 7 known children. Chaim Leib was able to obtain some land which he farmed successfully. This enabled him to further increase his holdings. and become known as a gentleman farmer. Of note is the fact that quite a few of his grandchildren bore the names of the Bnei Yissoschur, Tzvi Elimelech, and his wife, Chana Mindel. Perhaps Chaim Leib's wife was a descendant (daughter or granddaughter). |
- Menachem Mendel (c.1820 - 1915) of Bukowsko, Galicia, married 3 times; to Ita, Perla Lea, & Sara. There were children from all three wives. He had a tavern with an inn in Bukowsko and was known as Roiter (Red) Mendel, due to his red hair.
- Gittel (c.1841 - Jan 11, 1914) married Eliezar Ephraim Fischel and had 11 children, 7 of which lived to adulthood. The children all took the surname of Fischel (later changed to Fischer in the USA).
Sara Rand, Esther, Chaim Leib, Herman (Zvi Elimelech), David, Paul, Emanuel, Wolf, Joseph, Shaye Naftali, & Clara Nobelman
- Avraham (1858 - 1930) was married twice and had 10 children. They lived in Przemysl. His second wife was Chana Mindel Reich.
David, Sema Bauer, Chaya Fried, Dov Berish, Yitzhak, Chaim Leib, Tzvi Elimelech, Emil, Oscar, & Mordechai
- Esther married Lippe Frank and had 9 children.
Chaya Gross, Yosef, Efraim, Ita, Zvi Hersch, Miriam (Weinryb) Rosh, Gittel Yachenko, Chava Eckerling, & Meir
- Ita (1861 - 1938) married Berl Roth. They lived in Sanok and had 7 children.
Solomon, Ewa, Berta, Erna, China, Regina, & Marjem
- Yacov (Yosef?) (1864 - 1919) was married in 1901 to Chaya Sara Seitelbach of Kanczuga. They had 8 children.
Moshe, Avram, Ephraim Eleazar, Pesach, Mila, ,Harry Bluma, & Esther Weinryb
- Miriam married Tuvia Rand of Bukowsko and had 3 children.
girl Leiblich, Sinai, & girl Erom
- Chaya married Isak Gottlieb of Pruchnik and had one known child.
- Hinde married Arye Leib Fish and had 3 children.
Miriam, Zipporah, & Elimelech
- Chaim Leib was married and had 2 known children.
Mirel & Naomi Rappaport
- Pessia married a Ginsburg and had one known child.
Clara Wakenshaw
- Yosef (1867 - 1943) married Chana of Dukla, Galicia and had 8 children.
Bracha, Mirla, Chaya, Nechama, David, Hersh Meilach, Mendel, & Yeshayahu
- David (1879 - 1956) married Beila Orum and had 4 children.
Eliyahu, Brona Helfman, Clara Toder, & Menachem Mendel
- Chana Mindel married Chaim Stern and had 8 children.
Pesach, Sara, Gittel, boy, boy, boy, Simcha, & Eliezer
- Miriam/Mirel (18?? - 18??) of Dynow, Galicia, married Yehoshua Fish, dayan in Dynow, Galicia. They had 3 known sons.
- Naftali
- Mendel married Leah and had 5 children.
David, Leib, Michael, Nechuma Kupferberg, & Ethel Raff
- Zvi Elimelech (1842 - 1894) married Zelda Rochel Kirsch and and had 9 children.
Moishe, Chaim, Breindel Hertzberg, Shaye, Ethel Metzger, Max, Itale, Frieda Kleinman, & David
- Yosef Yehuda
(18?? - 1???) married and had 6 known children.
- Asher Zelig married Roiza and had 10 children.
Yitzhak, Leah, Hinde Faust, Yakov, Yosef, Dov, Samuel Tzvi Hirsch, Ita Rothfield, Hannah Schleifstein, & Sarah
- Efraim went to the U.S.
- Nosson Dov married and had 5 children.
Hannah Elitsur (Schleifstein), boy, Golda, boy, & Herman (Zvi Elimelech)
- Berish was married and had one known son.
- Golda
- Tzvi Elimelech (1855 - ?) married Beila and had 3 known children. After he passed away his wife remarried to a Mehrkrepst and had additional children.
Miriam Both, Aaron, Yakov & Rose
- Chava
- Ita Raya
- Pessel
- Golda
- Very little is known about Chava, Ita, Pessel, & Golda. They married into the Popper, Grumet, & Bernstein families.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 10/1/2013