The Akiva Langsam Family

Author: David Langsam <> at INTERNET
Date: 9/4/97 10:21 PM
Priority: Normal
TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Subject: Re: Langsam Family Tree
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Dear Moishe,
Thanks for you (nicht langsam) reply.
The highest level that I can find of my branch of Langsams is Akiva Langsam
of Electoralna 15, Warsaw - and later a nearby street, Zimna. He must have
been born no later than around 1850 and probably earlier.
He had at least three sons and three daughters David Arieh (1871), Meir,
Shlomo, Gitl, Beila and Sara. Sara married a Mr NADEL. Shlomo had a son
Moshe who was in Paris and was the editor of the Yiddish newspaper, "Parise
Haint" (Paris Today) before the war. Moshe's son Wladek lives in Paris and
has at least two sons.
David Arieh (1871-1942) married Shoshana Zylbertrest (1873-1942) and seven
children Benzion 1895-1976 (Melbourne) married Pola and had one son Isaac;
Moshe (1900-1919); Anka (1903-1942) who married Benzion KOHN and had a son
Pinchas; Simon -or Ziskind Alexander - (1906-1959) married Esther WOLF in
Melbourne and had two children Alan and Sue (KIMMEL); Sara (1907-1912);
Lodzia - Leonora leah - (1908-1942) married Mordechai Mietek Zyskind and
had a son Marek.
Shoshana Zilbertrest was the sister of Ralph Silver (New York), father of
Esther HOVEY (UCLA) and Meir Silver (New Jersey). Shoshana had a brother
Hersch Zylbertrest whose son Sam (in Paris) has given me a very detailed
family tree of his side of the family. "Extensive" is an understatement.
Sam married Tamara and had a daughter (also Tamara) with whom I have stayed
in Paris and a son Harvey.
The youngest child was my father Akiwa Meir (Mark) born in 1915 and
thankfully still going strong. Mark married Raya Bak daughter of Shlomo and
Ghenia (Shaina Leah GOLDES) born in Odessa 7.11.1917. Shlomo had a very
colorful history jumping from the Czar's white army to the Red Army in 1917
becoming a district governor before going to Warsaw in 1921.
The son of Isaac Leib Bak, he lived at Gesia 7 in Warsaw but with his wife
Ghenia had run factories and businesses in a number of places in Poland.
had two brothers and two sisters Chiel, Henoch, Faiga (m FRIDMAN) and Hinda
(m SCARLAT). Shlomo escaped to Argentina before the war, my mother Raya
came to Australia with her brother in law Benzion his wife Pola and little
son Isaac and was reunited with her husband of one year, but her sister
Ada and mother Ghenia were left behind and murdered by the nazis.
Shlomo's brother Chiel had three children Fela (m GRANATMAN, Israel) and
have two daughters; and Jacob and Nathan. Henoch's son Wladek (senior
officer in Polish army until 1968) married Ola and had two children Andrzej
(New York) and Halinka (Melbourne).
In Melbourne, the three surviving sons of David Arieh - Ben Simon and Mark
- created a new world with a total of (1+2+3 =6) children; 8 in the next
generation (I am the last of the 6 to produce, so more can be expected in
the very immediate future) and, so far, four in the next generation.
Ben & Pola
Isaac married Rita: but no children
Simon & Esther (Tusia)
Alan married Barbara: two children in their 20s Simon and Julie
Sue married Herb Kimmel: Zachary and Lara
Mark & Raya
Ann married george Fink (Vienna, Melbourne Oxford Edinburgh): Daughter
Naomi married Arik Agmon (Israel) daughter Leanne. Son Jerome married Leor
SATINOFF (Kibbutz Urim, Negev) sons Josh and Sharon, daughter Yasmin Raya.
Victor married Janet Thomas daughter Vanessa and son Ben
David married Sally Nicolson no children divorced. Will marry Asheley Jones
on New Year's Eve 1997/1998! Planning on many little Langsams
(wish me mazel tov!)
best wishes hope you can use any or all of this information.
David Arieh ben Akiva Meir
Author: David Langsam <> at INTERNET
Date: 1/18/98 7:02 AM
Priority: Normal
CC: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
TO: helen garrett <> at INTERNET
CC: "Kate Challis" <> at INTERNET
CC: Anne Garrow <> at INTERNET
CC: stuart garrow <> at INTERNET
CC: fiona gudge <> at INTERNET
CC: Johanna Johannesson <> at INTERNET
CC: roger jowell <> at INTERNET
CC: Agnieszka Kolakowska <> at INTERNET
CC: Yedidyah Langsam <> at INTERNET
CC: Marc Langsam <> at INTERNET
CC: Danka Lapkiewicz <> at INTERNET
CC: julia macmillan <> at INTERNET
CC: Claire McKelvey <> at INTERNET
CC: Sani Meo <> at INTERNET
CC: john montano <> at INTERNET
CC: "Graeme Mulvey" <> at INTERNET
CC: "Kate O'Rourke" <> at INTERNET
CC: rod quinn <> at INTERNET
CC: David Miles Sheil <> at INTERNET
CC: raasti stolze <> at INTERNET
CC: Ivars Sulcs <> at INTERNET
CC: Kate Challis+Gary Willis <> at INTERNET
CC: Saul Zadka <> at INTERNET
CC: Susan Zucker <Zuckie@AOL.COM> at INTERNET
Subject: Our Big Day Out
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Dear All,
this is a brief account of the wedding for those who couldn't be there on
the day.
The bad news is that we'll have some vid from the show up on the net in the
next few days. Stay tuned.
The wedding was fabulous, the day was fabulous (30oC), the food was
entre - kangaroo, emu and wallaby party pies, cheese & spinach pastries,
mains - kangaroo fillets, chicken drumsticks in thai sauce, grilled baby
salads, spuds and pumpkin
dessert - thickest ever richest ever chocolate wedding cake covered in wild
It was great. The "bad boys back table" was still raging when Asheley and I
went to bed at 4am.
And then we went to Brunswick Heads near Byron Bay in the north of New
Wales for an eight day honeymoon. Beach, sun, river, fish, no phones, no
Below is a little description of events by Steve Brook from an email he
sent Rod and Helen.
Dear Rod & Helen . . .
Meni and I were at the wedding on New Year's Eve of David L. and Asheley
J. Since David is no ordinary mortal, and neither, presumably, is his
partner, the event had to be quite extraordinary. And so it was. While a
professional Marriage Celebrant was there, for he had to be in order to
sign the papers, everything else was by Fellini.
The ceremony was done by David and Asheley themselves, with no intervention
from any kind of state or ecclesiastical authority, though there were nods
in the direction of Jewish, Christian and animist beliefs. The couple stood
under a Jewish-style chupa, a wedding canopy, held up on sticks by four of
the guests. What distinguished this chupa from most others I have seen is
that it was made from a keffiyeh, a Palestinian head scarf.
The symbolism was overpowering.
David began his contribution by thanking the Koori people for the use of
their land. He said a great deal else besides, but I did not take notes.
One does not do that at weddings.
People sang songs, and poetry was recited, including Cavafy's "Ithaka". A
great benedictory poem, and I wish I had thought of that for my own two
weddings . . .
[Meni tells me that this poem was read at Jackie Kennedy's funeral by her
bereaved Jewish lover. So it gets around.]
Mark, David's father, struggled with the fading light to read a biblical
story. Someone helped with a lighted mosquito candle.
At a certain point David did the traditional stamping on the wineglass, to
mingled shouts of "Good luck!" and "Mazeltov!"
The speeches by friends and relations mentioned gay rights, shagging and
hope for the future. And messages came from all over, including from the
Palestinian Authority's representative in Australia, from John Pilger and
from others in all continents.
The freshly-married couple did the Wedding Waltz from "The Jolson Story".
Some of David's relations looked puzzled.
It was an evening that could never be repeated. Meni said to me later that
it was the most political wedding she had ever been to. I said that every
wedding makes a political statement of some kind, even if the participants
are unaware of it. But that was just me, being profound again. We both
enjoyed ourselves immensely.
January 4 1998
TO: Moishe Miller
Subject: It's a DOCTOR
Date: 11/8/98 10:38 AM
Asheley Jones and David Langsam (DnA)
are ecstatic to announce the birth of their son
(Dr Alecsander Shlomo ben David Arieh)
on November 9, 1998 (0055 Eastern Summer Time, 1355GMT8/11/98)
at the Royal Women's Hospital
Melbourne, Australia
Alex is about 48-50 cms long and weighs about 3.2kg 7.5lb
He sends his best regards to all.
Mother Son and father are all very very very happy.
Subject: Chanuka & etc.
PostedDate: 12/28/98 05:39:57 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 12/28/98 05:40:53 PM
Dear Moishe,
good to hear from you again. No new Langsams other than the seven week old
Alexander George sleeping (momentarily) in the next room. Isn't he enough,
He is really a very wonderful and totally Langsam boy. Golden red hair,
deep dark blue eyes, the Langsam schnoz and lungs and huge feet and hands,
so like the rest of us he can work with his hands and be creative with them
at the same time - an attribute of all my family. we love him to bits and
will make you some more Langsams as soon as we are able to get some sleep
in the same time zone.
Best regards
David Asheley & Alexander
Subject: Re: Chanuka & etc.
PostedDate: 12/29/98 03:20:15 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 12/29/98 03:21:56 PM
Richard Dawkins gives a definite to that, it's just a matter of how far
When I met Alex Langsam in Manchester it was really unbelievable. Blue eyes
receding witches peak, full ear lobes, BIG lungs, deep booming voice, and
very much like my uncle Simon ... whose original name was Alexander!
But how do you find a connection with the information we have? Can a DNA
test do it - I understand they are horendously expensive. Can my namesake
David Langsam who is the deputy boss of IREX give us a lot of money to
research this intriguing academic problem?
best regards for the new goyisher year,
Subject: Re: Chanuka & etc.
PostedDate: 12/30/98 01:49:45 AM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 12/30/98 01:50:48 AM
Dear Moishe,
David Langsam is care of
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) 1616 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: (202) 628-8188
Fax: (202) 628-8189
I think he is vice president or Director of Capital Development or
Alex Langsam is much harder to contact. He owns hotels in Manchester and
Liverpool and has had a number of people claim to be family in order to try
to fleece him. It would not surprise me if his response is sceptical. Last
I heard he had a very bad case of rheumatoid arthritis and that made his
working life very difficult.
you can try faxing Manchester 44.161.2367416 or writing to him at:
Britannia Hotels
Former Fire Station
London Road
U.K. M1 2PH
best of luck
Subject: Re: Chanuka & etc.
PostedDate: 12/30/98 03:46:03 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 12/30/98 03:58:50 PM
Dear Moishe,
That's the best I've got. I have never been in touch with him, only saw his
name when I searched my own via AltaVista and noted that he was responsible
for handing out large sums of money for research and development of the
former Eastern Bloc (where we all come from!) and didn't try to contact him
- although a few hundred thousand dollars would not go astray. I WANTED to,
but I held back. Decorum.
But they have phone numbers so a quick call from NY to DC could be
productive. I'd be pleased to be kept informed.
Shana Tova shel Gregory.
---------------------- Forwarded by Moishe Miller/PSG/Prudential on
04/05/99 05:33 PM ---------------------------
Monday March 29, 1999 05:19 AM
To: Moishe Miller/PSG/Prudential
Subject: Pesach & Langsams
Ahhh Moishe, you bloody geneologist!
I knew that if I included you on my email list of good wishes it would
never be the end of it!!!
is Deborah Langsam a teacher we have had some minimal communication.
is Marc an LA graphic artist about my age (45) with his own website. We
have emailed each other a few times
is Melissa Rose Langsam who I think is a daughter of Oscar of Rehovot
Isrtael and an undergarduate at Harvard who is unfortunately proud of
being a Republican, which I discovered in her last email to me and having
said what I think of Republicans may never wrote to me again.
By the way, I now have a family and geneology page added to my site with
link to yours.
go to the bottom of the page and follow the links.
bestest regards for Pesach,
The REAL Langsam are all Communists Socialists Bundists and Labor
supporters, apart from my cousin Allan, who is a very nice guy but has
strayed from the flock.
Author: David Langsam at INTERNET Date: 9/4/97
10:21 PM TO: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1 Subject: Re: Langsam Family Tree
Dear Moishe,
Thanks for you (nicht langsam) reply.
The highest level that I can find of my branch of Langsams is Akiva Langsam
of Electoralna 15, Warsaw - and later a nearby street, Zimna. He must have
been born no later than around 1850 and probably earlier.
He had at least three sons and three daughters David Arieh (born 1871),
Meir, Shlomo, Gitl, Beila and Sara. Sara married a Mr NADEL. Shlomo had a
son Moshe who was in Paris and was the editor of the Yiddish newspaper,
"Parise Haint" (Paris Today) before the war. Moshe's son Wladek lives in
Paris and has at least two sons.
David Arieh (1871-1942) married Shoshana Zylbertrest (1873-1942) and had
seven children: Benzion b.1895 d.1976 in Melbourne, who married Pola and had
one son Isaac; Moshe (1900-1919); Anka (1903-1942) who married Benzion KOHN
and had a son Pinchas; Alexander who was known as Ziskind and later changed
his name to Simon Lang - (1906-1959) married Esther WOLF (b. 1915 d
28.5.1999) in Melbourne and had two children Allen and Sue (KIMMEL); Sara
(1907-1912); Lodzia - Leonora leah - (1908-1942) married Mordechai Mietek
Zyskind and had a son Marek.
Shoshana Zilbertrest was the sister of Ralph Silver (New York), father of
Esther HOVEY (UCLA) and Meir Silver (New Jersey). Shoshana had a brother
Hersch Zylbertrest whose son Sam (in Paris) has given me a very detailed
family tree of his side of the family. "Extensive" is an understatement.
Sam married Tamara and had a daughter (also Tamara) with whom I have stayed
in Paris and a son Harvey.
The youngest child of David Arieh Langsam and Shoshana Zylbertrest was my
father Akiwa Meir (Mark) born 16.11.1915 and thankfully still going strong.
Mark married Raya Bak daughter of Shlomo Bak (pron: Bonk) and Ghenia (Shaina
Leah GOLDES) born in Odessa 7.11.1917. Shlomo had a very colorful history
jumping from the Czar's white army to the Red Army in 1917 becoming a
district governor before going to Warsaw in 1921.
The son of Isaac Leib Bak, he lived at Gesia 7 in Warsaw but with his wife
Ghenia had run factories and businesses in a number of places in Poland.
Shlomo had two brothers and two sisters Chiel, Henoch, Faiga (m FRIDMAN) and
Hinda (m SCARLAT). Shlomo escaped to Argentina before the war, my mother
Raya came to Australia with her brother-in-law Benzion his wife Pola and
little son Isaac and was reunited with her husband of one year, but her
sister Ada and mother Ghenia were left behind and murdered by the nazis.
Shlomo's brother Chiel had three children: Fela (m GRANATMAN, Israel) and
have two daughters Ofra and Ilana; and Jacob and Nathan. Henoch's son Wladek
(senior officer in Polish army until 1968) married Ola and had two children
Andrzej (New York) married with one son, and Halinka (Melbourne) m. David
Rubin and have a daughter, Annette.
In Melbourne, the three surviving sons of David Arieh - Ben, Simon and
Mark - created a new world with a total of (respectively 1+2+3 =6) children;
9 in the next generation (I am the last of the 6 to produce, and one more is
expected in the very immediate future - August 2000) and, so far, six in the
next generation.
Ben & Pola Isaac married Rita: but no children
Simon & Esther (Tusia): Allen married Barbara: two children - Simon and
Sue married Herb Kimmel: Zachary and Lara. Zachary m Sandra and have a son
Mark & Raya: Ann married George Fink (Vienna, Melbourne, Oxford, Edinburgh,
Tel Aviv): their daughter Naomi married Arik Agmon (Israel) and have a
daughter Leanne and another child due July 2000. Son Jerome married Leor
SATINOFF (Kibbutz Urim, Negev) sons Josh and Sharon, daughter Yasmin Raya
son Carmel.
Victor married Janet Thomas daughter Vanessa and son Ben
David married Sally Nicolson no children divorced. Will marry Asheley Jones
on New Year's Eve 1997/1998! Planning on many little Langsams (wish me mazel
(Editor's update: Alexander George was born 9.11.98 and number two son is
due August 2000)
best wishes hope you can use any or all of this information.
David Arieh ben Akiva Meir
Author: David Langsam at INTERNET Date: 1/18/98
7:02 AM Priority: Normal CC: Moishe Miller at CCSP27B1
Dear All,
This is a brief account of the wedding for those who couldn't be there on
the day.
The bad news is that we'll have some vid from the show up on the net in the
next few days. Stay tuned.
The wedding was fabulous, the day was fabulous (30oC), the food was
fabulous: Entre - kangaroo, emu and wallaby party pies, cheese & spinach
pastries, sushi. Mains - kangaroo fillets, chicken drumsticks in Thai sauce,
grilled baby octopus, salads, spuds and pumpkin. Dessert - thickest ever
richest ever chocolate wedding cake covered in wild berries.
It was great. The "bad boys back table" was still raging when Asheley and I
went to bed at 4am.
And then we went to Brunswick Heads near Byron Bay in the north of New South
Wales for an eight day honeymoon. Beach, sun, river, fish, no phones, no
email. Yahoo!
Below is a little description of events by Steve Brook from an email he sent
Rod and Helen.
Dear Rod & Helen . . .
Meni and I were at the wedding on New Year's Eve of David L. and Asheley J.
Since David is no ordinary mortal, and neither, presumably, is his partner,
the event had to be quite extraordinary. And so it was. While a professional
Marriage Celebrant was there, for he had to be in order to sign the papers,
everything else was by Fellini.
The ceremony was done by David and Asheley themselves, with no intervention
from any kind of state or ecclesiastical authority, though there were nods
in the direction of Jewish, Christian and animist beliefs. The couple stood
under a Jewish-style chupa, a wedding canopy, held up on sticks by four of
the guests. What distinguished this chupa from most others I have seen is
that it was made from a keffiyeh, a Palestinian head scarf.
The symbolism was overpowering.
David began his contribution by thanking the Koori people for the use of
their land. He said a great deal else besides, but I did not take notes. One
does not do that at weddings.
People sang songs, and poetry was recited, including Cavafy's "Ithaka". A
great benedictory poem, and I wish I had thought of that for my own two
weddings . . .
[Meni tells me that this poem was read at Jackie Kennedy's funeral by her
bereaved Jewish lover. So it gets around.]
Mark, David's father, struggled with the fading light to read a biblical
story. Someone helped with a lighted mosquito candle.
At a certain point David did the traditional stamping on the wineglass, to
mingled shouts of "Good luck!" and "Mazeltov!"
The speeches by friends and relations mentioned gay rights, shagging and
hope for the future. And messages came from all over, including from the
Palestinian Authority's representative in Australia, from John Pilger and
from others in all continents.
The freshly-married couple did the Wedding Waltz from "The Jolson Story".
Some of David's relations looked puzzled.
It was an evening that could never be repeated. Meni said to me later that
it was the most political wedding she had ever been to. I said that every
wedding makes a political statement of some kind, even if the participants
are unaware of it. But that was just me, being profound again. We both
enjoyed ourselves immensely.
Melbourne January 4 1998
From: at INTERNET TO: Moishe Miller Subject: It's a
DOCTOR Date: 11/8/98 10:38 AM
Asheley Jones and David Langsam (DnA)
are ecstatic to announce the birth of their son
(Dr Alecsander Shlomo ben David Arieh)
on November 9, 1998 (0055 Eastern Summer Time, 1355GMT8/11/98)
at the Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne, Australia
Alex is about 48-50 cms long and weighs about 3.2kg 7.5lb
He sends his best regards to all.
Mother Son and father are all very very very happy.
Subject: Chanuka & etc. PostedDate: 12/28/98 Send To: =Moishe Miller
Dear Moishe,
good to hear from you again. No new Langsams other than the seven week old
Alexander George sleeping (momentarily) in the next room. Isn't he enough,
He is really a very wonderful and totally Langsam boy. Golden red hair, deep
dark blue eyes, the Langsam schnoz and lungs and huge feet and hands, so
like the rest of us he can work with his hands and be creative with them at
the same time - an attribute of all my family. we love him to bits and will
make you some more Langsams as soon as we are able to get some sleep in the
same time zone.
Best regards
David Asheley & Alexander
Subject: Re: Chanuka & etc.
Date: 12/29/98 03:20:15 PM
SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller
Richard Dawkins gives a definite to that, it's just a matter of how far
When I met Alex Langsam in Manchester it was really unbelievable. Blue eyes
receding witches peak, full ear lobes, BIG lungs, deep booming voice, and
very much like my uncle Simon ... whose original name was Alexander!
But how do you find a connection with the information we have? Can a DNA
test do it - I understand they are horendously expensive. Can my namesake
David Langsam who is the deputy boss of IREX give us a lot of money to
research this intriguing academic problem?
best regards for the new goyisher year,
From: Date: 12/30/98 SendTo: Moishe Miller
Dear Moishe,
David Langsam is care of International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
1616 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 628-8188 Fax: (202)
628-8189 E-mail:
I think he is vice president or Director of Capital Development or somesuch.
Alex Langsam is much harder to contact. He owns hotels in Manchester and
Liverpool and has had a number of people claim to be family in order to try
to fleece him. It would not surprise me if his response is sceptical. Last I
heard he had a very bad case of rheumatoid arthritis and that made his
working life very difficult.
you can try faxing Manchester 44.161.2367416 or writing to him at: Britannia
Hotels Former Fire Station London Road Picadilly Manchester U.K. M1 2PH
best of luck
From: Subject: Re: Chanuka & etc. PostedDate:
12/30/98 03:46:03 PM SendTo: CN=Moishe Miller/OU=PSG/O=Prudential
DeliveredDate: 12/30/98 03:58:50 PM
Dear Moishe,
That's the best I've got. I have never been in touch with him, only saw his
name when I searched my own via AltaVista and noted that he was responsible
for handing out large sums of money for research and development of the
former Eastern Bloc (where we all come from!) and didn't try to contact
him - although a few hundred thousand dollars would not go astray. I WANTED
to, but I held back. Decorum.
But they have phone numbers so a quick call from NY to DC could be
productive. I'd be pleased to be kept informed.
Shana Tova shel Gregory.
D. Monday March 29, 1999 05:19 AM To: Moishe
Miller/PSG/Prudential cc: Subject: Pesach & Langsams
Ahhh Moishe, you bloody geneologist!
I knew that if I included you on my email list of good wishes it would never
be the end of it!!!
By the way, I now have a family and geneology page added to my site with
link to yours.
go to the bottom of the page and follow the links.
bestest regards for Pesach,
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 01:02:24 -0400
From: ""
Subject: Birth Record of Akiva Langsam of Warsaw
Stumbled across this at
It list birth of Akiva Langsam, son of Moshe and Sarah, born jun 12,
1839. It lists his grandparents and two of his sisters as well.
Any thoughts?
From: "david langsam"
Subject: Re: Birth Record of Akiva Langsam of Warsaw
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 18:31:43 +1000
Dear Moishe,
thanks for the site info.
will check with my father tomorrow.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone with knowledge or an interest in the Miller family.
Moishe Miller
My home address is
1374 East 28th Street
Brooklyn NY 11210-5311
Last updated 9/22/01