CompSci 161: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Class meetings (Winter 2020)
- Lectures: M W F 11:00-11:50am in EH 1200
- Discussions: Tu Th 7:00-7:50pm or 8:00-8:50pm in PCB 1100
- Instructor
- Professor Dan Hirschberg — dan (at)
office hours M W F 10-10:45am or by appointment in DBH 4226
- Teaching Assistants:
Martha Osegueda — mosegued (at)
, office hours F 2-3pm in ICS2 217
Satish Kotti — skotti (at)
, office hours W 2-3pm in ICS2 216
Karthik Gajulappalli — kgajulap (at)
, office hours M 2-3pm in ICS2 214
- Reader :
Ofek Gila — ogila (at)
- Prerequisites
- calculus (Math 2AB), Boolean algebra (ICS 6B), and discrete mathematics (ICS 6D)
- data structures (ICS 46) with a grade of C or better
- Course Texts
- Required: Goodrich and Tamassia,
Algorithm Design and Applications, Wiley, 2014
Wiley's "Direct-to-Student" website
(the nice hardcover is available on Amazon for about $75)
Allegedly, the UCI bookstore will pricematch with Amazon
- Recommended: Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein,
Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.), MIT Press, 2009
- Reference: Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani,
McGraw-Hill, 2007
- List of reference books
- Course Goals
To develop an understanding of efficiency of algorithms,
to learn some algorithmic design techniques,
and to analyze the complexity of the amount of resources required
by algorithms for a variety of applications
- Homeworks and Examinations — only students enrolled in this class may view examinations
- Course Outline
- Lecture Notes
- Grading
- Policies
- 10% – eight weekly homework submissions
— lowest homework score is dropped
- 10% – one quiz
- 30% – two midterm examinations
- 50% – final exam
- 1% added to course average if student completes Course Evaluation
- To pass the course you must pass the final exam and
have an overall passing average
- Instances of academic dishonesty will be reflected in the final grade
because dishonesty devalues the learning experience for the whole class.
For more complete information about academic honesty policies, consult the
Academic Senate Policy on Academic Integrity
- Discussion Board
- Students can discuss matters related to this course on
- Communication
If you send me email with course-related questions:
- include the string "CompSci 161" at the start of the subject line
- include your name and UCI Student ID number in the message
- if you are not writing from your official UCI email address,
please cc your official UCI email address
(This protocol enables me to weed out requests for help
on problems from non-UCI students)