Dr. Rina Dechter - University of California at Irvine ZOT!
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CompSci 295 - Causal Inference for Reinforcement Learning (Winter 2025)

Instructor: Rina Dechter
Days,Time: M/W, 11:00 am - 12:20 pm (PT)
Classoom: DBH 1300
Zoom Link: https://uci.zoom.us/j/94542138848
Office hours: Upon Request

The class will cover topics in Causal reasoning focusing primarily on Reinforcement learning. The class will run as a seminar. I will give the first few introductory classes. Students will present present papers from the literature or chapters in books and complete a final project. There may also be some homework assignments. The course is intended primarily for PhD students in the area of AI and Machine Learning, but sufficient preparation in AI and Machine learning is expected and required (at least one of CS 171, 271, 273 or 276).

Relevant sources (books or classes)

On Graphical Models:

On Causality:

On Reinforcement Learning:



  • Causal Reinforcement Learning
    Elias Bareinboim ICML 2020 tutorial series connecting causal inference and reinforcement learning, and describing specific Causal RL tasks, with list of related background papers.
  • Towards Causal RL
    Part of an NSF seminar series, Elias Bareinboim's tutorial introducing Causal Reinforcement Learning and motivating its potential.
  • Causal Fairness Analysis
    Part of ICML 2020, Elias Bareinboim and Drago Plecko's presentation on using causality to address fairness issues in AI decision making.


Causal RL

Elias Bareinboim Papers Related to Task 1: Causal Online To Offline Learning

Elias Bareinboim Papers Related to Task 2: When and Where to Intervene? (refining the policy space)

Elias Bareinboim Papers Related to Task 3: Counterfactual Decision-Making (changing optimization function based on intentionality, free will, and autonomy)

Elias Bareinboim Papers Related to Task 7: Causal Curriculum Learning

Additional Papers:

Papers and Lectures on Fairness

From Pearl's group: Personal decision making, Robustness

Tools for RL:

Course Project

Each student will also be engaged in a project based on papers from recent literature. The project will involve learning about and preseting an assigned paper/literature in class and a final project report.


Week Date Topic Readings and Links
Week 1 M 01/06,
W 01/08
Tutorial on Causal Probabilistic Graphical Models Assignments
- HW 1

- Slides 1
- Slides 2

Related Resources
- [Primer]
- [Dechter-book]
- [Dechter-class]
Week 2 M 01/13,
W 01/15
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning Slides
- Slides 3
- Slides 4
Week 3
M 01/20 ,
W 01/22
1. Jiapeng Zhao: "Introduction to Causal Reinforcement Learning" [pdf]
    (Discussant: Rina Dechter)

- P1 Slides
Week 4 M 01/27,
W 01/29
1.(cont'd) Jiapeng Zhao: "Introduction to Causal Reinforcement Learning" [pdf] [video (part II of presentation)]
    (Discussant: Rina Dechter)

2. Omar Samiullah: "Transfer Learning in Multi-Armed Bandits: A Causal Approach" [pdf] [video (full)]
    (Discussant: Annie Raichev)

3. Jared Macshane: "Online Reinforcement Learning for Mixed Policy Scopes" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Bryan Vela)

- HW 2

- P1 Slides
- P2 Slides
- P3 Slides
Week 5 M 02/03,
W 02/05,
Th 02/06
Presentations (M 02/03)
2.(cont'd) Omar Samiullah: "Transfer Learning in Multi-Armed Bandits: A Causal Approach" [pdf] [video (full)]
    (Discussant: Annie Raichev)

4. David Lee: "Designing Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes: A Causal Reinforcement Learning Approach" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Shaoyuan Xie)

- HW 3

- P2 Slides
- P4 Slides

Agenda for Workshop on Causal Reasoning at UCI
Week 6 M 02/10,
W 02/12
5. Michael Mulder: "Causal Imitation Learning Via Inverse Reinforcement Learning" [pdf] and "Causal Imitation Learning with Unobserved Confounders" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Omar Samiullah)

6. Annie Raichev: "Causal Reinforcement Learning using Observational and Interventional Data" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Brandon Vela)

- HW 4

- P5 Slides
- P6 Slides
Week 7 M 02/17 ,
W 02/19
7. Jay Yoo: "Personalized decision making - A conceptual introduction" [pdf] and "Unit Selection Based on Counterfactual Logic" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Jared Macshane)

- HW 5

- P7 Slides
Week 8
M 02/24,
W 02/26
8. Bryan Vela: "Fairness in Decision-Making - The Causal Explanation Formula" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: David Lee)

9. Brandon Vela: "Can Humans Be out of the Loop?" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Michael Mulder)

- See HW 5 from week 8
- HW 6

- P8 Slides
- P9 Slides
Week 9
M 03/03,
W 03/05
Presentation (Wednesday [in-person])
10. Shaoyuan Xie: "Towards Generalizable Reinforcement Learning via Causality-Guided Self-Adaptive Representations" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Jay Yoo)

- HW 7

- P10 Slides
Week 10
M 03/10,
W 03/12
11. Jiapeng Zhao: "The Causal-Neural Connection: Expressiveness, Learnability, and Inference" [pdf] [video]
    (Discussant: Class)

12. (Guest Speaker) Mingxuan Li: "Automatic Reward Shaping from Confounded Offline Data" [pdf]
    (Discussant: Class)

- See HW 7 from Week 9
- Final projects due Wednesday, March 19th

- P11 Slides
- P12 Slides
Finals Week
F 03/21,