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ICS-280, Current Topics in Automated Reasoning, Spring 2003
ideas for projects
  • Classroom: CS/E 310
  • Day: Thursday
  • Time: 2:00 - 4:50pm
  • Instructor: Rina Dechter - dechter@ics.uci.edu
  • Office Hours: TBA

    The seminar will focus on most recent research papers in automated reasoning. Each student will be engaged in a research project and will be required to present his own results as well as relevant papers to his research. Students will also need to provide a final report for their research project.

    Some topics we will focus on are:

    Sampling methods for Bayesian networks

    Analysis of IBP's performance

    Investigeting tree-width, cycle-cutsets, w-custets

    Combinatorial auction

    Planning: classical, MDPs, POMDPs