171 Course Outline, Fall 2006

Course Goals:

Learn the basic AI techniques, the problems for which they are applicable and their limitations. Topics covered include heuristic search algorithms, Knowledge-representation (logic-based and probabilistic-based) inference and learning algorithms.

Academic Honesty:

Academic honesty is taken seriously. It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with UCI's current academic honesty policies. Please take the time to read the current UCI Senate Academic Honesty Policies.


Bulletin Board:

Read ics.171 for announcements, answers to homework etc. Also, please post questions about homework or anything else there. If you don't understand something, others probably don't either and will have the same question.


Some handouts will be distributed during the quarter by the Distribution Center, others will be available to buy in the Engineering Copy Center.


Note that the schedule is only tentative and will be subject to change during the quarter

Resources on the Internet