Adrian Dabrowski
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I recently moved to CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. Between 2019 and 2022, I was PostDoc at University of California, Irvine (UCI) in the Secure Systems and Software Laboratory by professor Michael Franz. (This site is currently hosted there but will likely move soon.) Before that, I've been employed at SBA Research, an inter-university research center partly owned by the University of Technology in Vienna (TU Wien). My PhD thesis there focused on security and privacy issues in large-scale infrastructure, such as cellular networks (e.g., fake base stations, IMSI catchers), power grids, botnets, and side channels in browsers. In my Master's thesis written at SecLab, I focused on several RFID systems ranging from an electronic purse to a metropolitan size locking system. There, I had the opportunity to be on the winning iCTF team in 2006 and 2011, where I co-organized the team in 2011-2013. From March to June 2013 and September 2014 to January 2015, I visited the Echizen Group at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo. I'm holder of the IEEE Austria Diploma Thesis Award and was nominated for the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award of the Faculty of Informatics, UT Vienna. My ACSAC 2014 paper won the Best Student Paper Award.
Before that and during my studies, I was a part-time teacher at HTL Spengergasse, a secondary technical high school in Vienna. I'm also founding member of Innoc ('Happylab' Hackerspace), Robotchallenge and Funkfeuer Wien. Furthermore I was involved in Roboat, an autonoumous self steering sailing vessel. Other robots of mine where on display at Roboexotica, at Deutsche Technik Museum in Berlin (for an IETF event), and for the "long night of museums" at Technisches Museum Wien. I was speaker at several CCC and a SIGINT congresses as well as on B-Sides and appeared in several national and international media reports after describing how to intercept wireless police cameras on Schwedenplatz in Vienna. I lectured at several BEST Summer Courses in Vienna and Bratislava on various robotic topics. In 2013, I was speaker at the European Forum Alpbach during the technology symposium days. Additionally, I held talks at 20c3, 21c3, 22c3, 23c3, 25c3, 30c3, SigInt, B-Sides Vienna, Troopers 2014, CCS2014, ACSAC2014, DayCon 2015, Troopers 2016, DeepSec 2016 and 2017, and others.
Occasionally, I make humoristic t-shirts for conferences or another one or just for fun.
Links to publisher versions of papers (e.g., SpringerLink, ACM Digital Libray) might be behind a paywall. Wherever legally possible, I've included an arXiv, local pre-print, or author-archived paper link as well.
Currently, I teach no classes. Links below are for reference.
- 2018W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)
- 2018W: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Crime Defense
- 2018S: Internet Security 188.366 (Inetsec1)
- 2018S: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Security
- 2017S: Internet Security 188.366 (Inetsec1)
- 2017S: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Security
- 2017W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)
- 2017W: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Crime Defense
- 2016S: Internet Security 188.366 (Inetsec1)
- 2016S: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Security
- 2016W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)
- 2016W: FH Technikum Wien - ILV Cyber Crime Defense
- 2015S: Internet Security 188.366 (Inetsec1)
- 2015W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)
2014W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)(Canceled due insufficent funding)- 2014S: Internet Security 188.366 (Inetsec1)
- 2013W: Advanced Internet Security 183.222 (Inetsec2)