Note: The Arcadia project ended in 1997. This web site is for archival purposes;
we can no longer guarantee liveness of links.
Arcadia Research Sponsors
The Arcadia research groups would like to thank the following
sponsors for their support. In all cases, the results and
publication of our research does not necessarily reflect the
position or the policy of the sponsors, and no official endorsement
should be inferred.
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
- The Air Force Materiel Command,
Rome Laboratory,
and the
Advanced Research Projects Agency
under Contract Number F30602-94-C-0218.
University of Colorado at Boulder (CU)
- The Air Force Materiel Command,
Rome Laboratory,
and the
Advanced Research Projects Agency
under Contract Number F30602-94-C-0253.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst (UMass)
- The Air Force Materiel Command,
Rome Laboratory,
and the
Advanced Research Projects Agency
under Contract Number F30602-94-C-0137.
Purdue University
- The Air Force Materiel Command,
Rome Laboratory,
and the
Advanced Research Projects Agency
under Contract Number F30602-94-C-0218.
The Arcadia Project
Last modified: Thu Feb 17 14:24:14 1995