
Prof Nikil Dutt


Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dutt
E-Mail: dutt -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-7219

Current Students

Luis Bathen


Homepage: -
E-Mail: lbathen -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Jayram Moorkanikara Nageswaran


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Arup Chakraborty


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Kazuyuki Tanimura


Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ktanimur
E-Mail: ktanimur -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Jun Yong Shin


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Post Doc Students

Yongin Ahn


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX


Prof. Sung-Soo Lim


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Prof. Yun Paek


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Jongwon Lee


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

JooHyun Kyong


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Dongyun Shin


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX


Ashok Halambi


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: -

Sudarshan Banerjee



Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~banerjee
E-Mail: banerjee -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Ilya Issenin



Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~isse
E-Mail: isse -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Minyoung Kim



E-Mail: minyounk -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Sudeep Pasricha



Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~sudeep
E-Mail: sudeep -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Kyoungwoo Lee



Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~kyoungwl
E-Mail: kyoungwl -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Gabor Madl



Affiliation: -
Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~gabe
E-Mail: gabe -at- ics.uci.edu

Michael Shimaski


Homepage: -
E-Mail: shimasam -at- uci.edu
Phone: -

Jeff Furlong


Homepage: -
E-Mail: jfurlong -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Aseem Gupta


Homepage: -
E-Mail: agupta -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: -

Prabhat Mishra



Homepage: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~prabhat
E-Mail: prabhat -at- cise.ufl.edu
Current Position: Associate Professor at University of Florida

Mahesh Mamidipaka



Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~maheshmn
E-Mail: maheshmn -at- ics.uci.edu
Current Location:
Senior Engineer, Sequence Design, Inc.

Aviral Shrivastava

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~aviral
E-Mail: aviral -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Partha Biswas


Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~partha
E-Mail: partha -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Hyunok Oh

(Post DOC)

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~hoh
E-Mail: hoh -at- cecs.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Sumit Gupta

(Post DOC)

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~sumitg
E-Mail: sumitg -at- ics.uci.edu
Current Location: Tensilica Inc.


Former Visitors

Giovanni Ansaloni


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Takashi Takenaka


Homepage: -
E-Mail: xxxx -at- uci.edu
Phone: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Takimoto Munehiro

Affiliation: Tokyo University of Science
Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mune
E-Mail: mune -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-1565


Qiang Zhu

Affiliation: Fujitsu Laboratories Inc., Japan
Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~qiangz
E-Mail: qiangz -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248


Kisun You


Homepage: -
E-Mail: ksyou -at- dsp.snu.ac.kr
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248

Prof. Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg

Affiliation: Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology
Homepage: -
E-Mail: -
Phone: -


Jaewon Seo


Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jwseo
E-Mail: jwseo -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-2248


Jongeun Lee

From: Seoul National University

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jongeunl
E-Mail: jongeunl-at- ics.uci.edu

Prof. Kiyoung Choi

From: Seoul National University

Homepage: http://ee.snu.ac.kr/korean/faculty/choi-kiyoung.htm
E-Mail: kchoi -at- azalea.snu.ac.kr

Prof. Anupam Basu


From: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~basu
E-Mail: basu -at- ics.uci.edu


Prof. Jong-Kwon Chang


From: Ulsan University, Korea.

E-Mail: jongkwon-at- ics.uci.edu


Dr. Florin Balasa


From: Conexant International, Newport Beach, CA.

E-Mail: fbalasa -at- ics.uci.edu


Mr. Taisei Yoshino


From: Hitachi Ltd., Japan.

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~yoshino
E-Mail: yoshino -at- ics.uci.edu


Dr. Hiroyuki Tomiyama


From: Nagoya University, Japan.

Homepage: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~tomiyama
E-Mail: tomiyama -at- ics.uci.edu



Lisa Schilling


E-Mail: lisas -at- ics.uci.edu
Phone: +1 (949) 824-9104

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