Worldmaking in the Pudding Court: Acculturation, Collaboration, and Power in Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Department: Informatics
Quarter: Winter 2020
Seminar Date: Feb 21, 2020
Speaker Name:
Antero Garcia
Antero Garcia
Stanford University
Stanford University
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Speaker Website:
Antero Garcia is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University where he studies how technology and gaming shape both youth and adult learning, literacy practices, …
Antero Garcia is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University where he studies how technology and gaming shape both youth and adult learning, literacy practices, …
Photo Link: //
Sharing findings from a 26-month ethnographic study of one tabletop gaming community, this presentation explores how historical and structural components of gaming intersect with at-the-table mediati…
Sharing findings from a 26-month ethnographic study of one tabletop gaming community, this presentation explores how historical and structural components of gaming intersect with at-the-table mediati…
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