What Just Happened in AI
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Fall 2017
Seminar Date: Oct 27, 2017
Speaker Name:
Adnan Darwiche
Adnan Darwiche
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles
Start Time:
End Time:
Speaker Website:
Adnan Darwiche is a professor and former chairman of the computer science department at UCLA. He directs the automated reasoning group which focuses on probabilistic and logical reasoning, and their …
Adnan Darwiche is a professor and former chairman of the computer science department at UCLA. He directs the automated reasoning group which focuses on probabilistic and logical reasoning, and their …
Photo Link:
I will discuss in this talk my perspective on recent developments in artificial intelligence, which have been triggered by the successes of deep learning. The discussion will be based on a position p…
I will discuss in this talk my perspective on recent developments in artificial intelligence, which have been triggered by the successes of deep learning. The discussion will be based on a position p…
Padhraic Smyth & Rina Dechter
Padhraic Smyth & Rina Dechter
Host Notes:
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