Towards holistic scene understanding for autonomous driving
Department: Computer Science
Seminar Date: May 20, 2016
Speaker Name:
Srikumar Ramalingam
Srikumar Ramalingam
Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
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Srikumar Ramalingam is a senior principal research scientist at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) since 2008. He received a Marie Curie VisionTrain scholarship from European Union to pursue his…
Srikumar Ramalingam is a senior principal research scientist at Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab (MERL) since 2008. He received a Marie Curie VisionTrain scholarship from European Union to pursue his…
Photo Link:
The success of an autonomous driving system (mobile robot, self-driving car) hinges on the accuracy and speed of inference algorithms that are used in understanding and recognizing the 3D world. A un…
The success of an autonomous driving system (mobile robot, self-driving car) hinges on the accuracy and speed of inference algorithms that are used in understanding and recognizing the 3D world. A un…
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