Robotics Meet Wireless Communications: Opportunities and Challenges
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Spring 2019
Seminar Date: Jun 07, 2019
Speaker Name:
Yasamin Mostofi
Yasamin Mostofi
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Barbara
Start Time:
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Speaker Website:
Yasamin Mostofi received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. She is currently a professor in the D…
Yasamin Mostofi received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. She is currently a professor in the D…
Photo Link:
Recent years have seen a great progress in the area of robotics. Communication signals are also ubiquitous these days. In this talk, I will explore the opportunities and challenges at this inter…
Recent years have seen a great progress in the area of robotics. Communication signals are also ubiquitous these days. In this talk, I will explore the opportunities and challenges at this inter…
Ender Ayanoglu
Ender Ayanoglu
Host Notes:
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