Practical Machine Learning for Sequential Decision Problems on the Internet
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Winter 2021
Seminar Date: Feb 19, 2021
Speaker Name:
Francis Yan
Francis Yan
Start Time:
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Speaker Website:
Francis Y. Yan is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research and Azure for Operators, Office of the CTO. His research focuses on practical machine learning (ML) for networking, seeking to create ML al…
Francis Y. Yan is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research and Azure for Operators, Office of the CTO. His research focuses on practical machine learning (ML) for networking, seeking to create ML al…
Photo Link:
Networking algorithms often perform sequential decision making under uncertainty: They observe a network path and decide, e.g., how many packets to send or what to put in them. The Internet presents …
Networking algorithms often perform sequential decision making under uncertainty: They observe a network path and decide, e.g., how many packets to send or what to put in them. The Internet presents …
Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi
Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi
Host Notes:
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