Large scale and low latency data distribution from database to servers
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Fall 2018
Seminar Date: Nov 02, 2018
Speaker Name:
Sushant Jain
Sushant Jain
Start Time:
End Time:
Speaker Website:
Sushant Jain is a member of the Ads Quality Infrastructure group at Google Inc. His research interests include distributed systems and network routing. He is currently an engineering director and a l…
Sushant Jain is a member of the Ads Quality Infrastructure group at Google Inc. His research interests include distributed systems and network routing. He is currently an engineering director and a l…
Photo Link:
Many applications at Google are structured with data stored in a transactional database (source of truth) and same data being required by servers distributed worldwide. For efficient and fast computa…
Many applications at Google are structured with data stored in a transactional database (source of truth) and same data being required by servers distributed worldwide. For efficient and fast computa…
Sharad Mehrotra
Sharad Mehrotra
Host Notes:
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