In This Game That We’re Playing: George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Video Games
Department: Informatics
Quarter: Fall 2019
Seminar Date: Nov 22, 2019
Speaker Name:
Soraya Murray, Ph.D.
Soraya Murray, Ph.D.
UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz
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Speaker Website:
Professor Soraya Murray is an interdisciplinary scholar who focuses on contemporary visual culture, with particular interest in contemporary art, film and video games. Murray holds a Ph.D. in art his…
Professor Soraya Murray is an interdisciplinary scholar who focuses on contemporary visual culture, with particular interest in contemporary art, film and video games. Murray holds a Ph.D. in art his…
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Traces of George Orwell’s critiques of totalitarian society, in both blunt and subtle forms, exist throughout video games. Major themes of dystopia, surveillance culture, technologies of control, aut…
Traces of George Orwell’s critiques of totalitarian society, in both blunt and subtle forms, exist throughout video games. Major themes of dystopia, surveillance culture, technologies of control, aut…
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