Enabling Provable Security at Scale
Department: Informatics
Quarter: Spring 2021
Seminar Date: Apr 02, 2021
Speaker Name:
Neha Rungta PhD.
Neha Rungta PhD.
Automated Reasoning Group, Amazon Web Services
Automated Reasoning Group, Amazon Web Services
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Speaker Website:
Neha Rungta is a senior principal applied scientist in the Automated Reasoning Group with Amazon Web Services (AWS), working on formal verification techniques for cloud security. Prior to joining AWS…
Neha Rungta is a senior principal applied scientist in the Automated Reasoning Group with Amazon Web Services (AWS), working on formal verification techniques for cloud security. Prior to joining AWS…
Photo Link: //www.informatics.uci.edu/video/headshots/2020-2021/NehaRungta.jpg
The cloud model can be viewed as a contract between customers and providers: customers program against the cloud model, and the cloud provider faithfully implements the model. In this talk, we focus…
The cloud model can be viewed as a contract between customers and providers: customers program against the cloud model, and the cloud provider faithfully implements the model. In this talk, we focus…
* ISR Distinguished Speaker Series
* ISR Distinguished Speaker Series
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