Disinformation, Social Algorithm, and Suspicious Accounts
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Winter 2020
Seminar Date: Feb 28, 2020
Speaker Name:
Felix Wu
Felix Wu
University of California, Davis
University of California, Davis
Start Time:
End Time:
Speaker Website:
Prof. S. Felix Wu has been doing “experimental” system research, i.e., building prototype systems to justify and validate novel architectural concepts. Since 1995, he and his students/postdocs have …
Prof. S. Felix Wu has been doing “experimental” system research, i.e., building prototype systems to justify and validate novel architectural concepts. Since 1995, he and his students/postdocs have …
Photo Link:
The popularity of social media systems such as Facebook or Twitter provides us an opportunity for a global, large-scale data analytic study regarding both people and the content triggering their inte…
The popularity of social media systems such as Facebook or Twitter provides us an opportunity for a global, large-scale data analytic study regarding both people and the content triggering their inte…
Gene Tsudik - NetSys
Gene Tsudik - NetSys
Host Notes:
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