Device Enhanced Authentication: Passwords and Second Factors
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Fall 2018
Seminar Date: Oct 12, 2018
Speaker Name:
Maliheh Shirvanian
Maliheh Shirvanian
Visa Research
Visa Research
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Speaker Website:
Maliheh is a research scientist in the System Security team at Visa Research. Her main research interests are authentication, system security, and user-centered security. She has several publications…
Maliheh is a research scientist in the System Security team at Visa Research. Her main research interests are authentication, system security, and user-centered security. She has several publications…
Photo Link:
Despite all the advancement in authentication schemes, text-based authentication is perhaps still the most common way of user authentication (e.g., textual passwords or personal identification number…
Despite all the advancement in authentication schemes, text-based authentication is perhaps still the most common way of user authentication (e.g., textual passwords or personal identification number…
Qi Alfred Chen
Qi Alfred Chen
Host Notes:
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