Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs
Department: Computer Science
Seminar Date: Feb 06, 2015
Speaker Name:
Zhendong Su
Zhendong Su
University of California, Davis
University of California, Davis
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Zhendong Su is a Professor and Chancellor's Fellow at UC Davis. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. His research focuses on developing methodologies, practical techniques and…
Zhendong Su is a Professor and Chancellor's Fellow at UC Davis. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UC Berkeley. His research focuses on developing methodologies, practical techniques and…
Photo Link:
We introduce equivalence modulo inputs (EMI), a simple, widely applicable methodology for validating optimizing compilers. Our key insight is to exploit the close interplay between (1) dynamically ex…
We introduce equivalence modulo inputs (EMI), a simple, widely applicable methodology for validating optimizing compilers. Our key insight is to exploit the close interplay between (1) dynamically ex…
Harry Xu
Harry Xu
Host Notes:
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