Adaptive Online Scalable Learning with Graph Feedback
Department: Computer Science
Quarter: Fall 2021
Seminar Date: Oct 22, 2021
Speaker Name:
Yanning Shen
Yanning Shen
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Yanning Shen is an assistant professor with EECS department at the University of California, Irvine. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2019. Her research …
Yanning Shen is an assistant professor with EECS department at the University of California, Irvine. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2019. Her research …
Photo Link:
We live in an era of data deluge, where pervasive media collect massive amounts of data, often in a streaming fashion. Learning from these dynamic and large volumes of data is hence expected to bring…
We live in an era of data deluge, where pervasive media collect massive amounts of data, often in a streaming fashion. Learning from these dynamic and large volumes of data is hence expected to bring…
Roy Fox
Roy Fox
Host Notes:
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