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To complete the honors program, you must take at least two quarters of independent, supervised work (CS H198 or INF H198) with your faculty advisor. You are responsible for making contact with faculty members to discuss their research and for finding a faculty advisor.

Finding a Faculty Advisor
You can watch this video to learn some tips for finding a faculty advisor!

Submitting an Initial Plan
Once you have found a faculty advisor, you will be required to submit an Initial Plan. The Initial Plan allows the ICSHP staff to keep track of your progress and serves as an agreement between you and your advisor. Please see the forms page for instructions on submitting your Initial Plan.

How can I enroll in an H198 course?
Once you have found a faculty advisor, please reach out to them for an authorization code. You will enter this code into WebReg to enroll.

Will I get credit for taking H198?
Please check the policy for your major below:

  • The following majors can count completion of two CS H198s (or INF H198s) as one upper-division elective: BIM, DS, INF, SE
  • Computer Game Science (CGS) majors can count completion of two CS H198s (or INF H198s) as one upper-division elective towards the A-C category
  • Computer Science (CS) majors can count completion of two CS H198s (or INF H198s) as one upper-division elective and project course
  • Game Design and Interactive Media (GDIM) majors can count completion of two CS H198s (or INF H198s) as one open elective course
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) majors will need to submit an undergraduate student petition to have their ICSHP completion reviewed for major credit

Approved majors can submit a degreeworks update form (found on our Petitions page) to request credit.

What if I do not find a faculty advisor before the end of Fall?
If you do not find a faculty advisor by the end of Fall, we will give you extra time to find one. Each quarter, you will be required to submit a faculty contact form (see Forms page for instructions) so we can keep track of your progress and find ways in which we can best support you.

The ICS Honors Faculty Advisor is also available to assist you with finding a faculty advisor (see Contact Us page).

Next Steps: To find out more information about completing the program and submitting a thesis, click here.

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