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Challenges in Improving and Applying Generative Models

Karen Ullrich

Senior Research Scientist, Meta Platforms, Inc.

Abstract: The emergence of powerful, ever more universal models such as ChatGPT, and stable Diffusion, made generative modeling (GM) undoubtedly a focal point for modern AI research. In the talk, we will discuss applications of GM and how GM fits into a vision of autonomous machine intelligence. We  will critically examine the sustainability of scaling AI models, a prevalent approach driving remarkable advancements in GM. Despite significant successes, I highlight the substantial physical, economic, and environmental limitations of continuous scaling, questioning its long-term feasibility. Furthermore, we will discuss inherent limitations in current high performance models that lead to a lack of tractability of statistical queries necessary to enable reasoning.

Bio: My research agenda is centered on developing principled strategies based on information theory to mitigate these limitations. Through my doctoral and postdoctoral work, I have introduced model-agnostic methods for reducing model complexity and computational demands, significantly advancing the field of data compression and efficiency in AI models.

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