Trammell releases second volume of Analog Game Studies

Aaron Trammell, associate professor of informatics, published the second volume of Analog Game Studies in May with co-editors Evan Torner (University of Cincinnati) and Emma Leigh Waldron (UC Davis). The publication is a compilation of articles from the bimonthly online journal Analog Game Studies, which is dedicated to the academic and popular study of games containing substantial analog components, such as board, card and die games. Each year the journal compiles the previous volume’s articles, with the addition of a bonus article, into a print anthology. The first volume was released in June 2016, and now both volumes are available for purchase or a free download from ETC Press at Carnegie Mellon University.
The second volume continues the work of analyzing analog games within the larger frameworks of social meaning. Guest articles include Bruno Faidutti’s landmark essay “Postcolonial Catan” and “Out of the Dungeons: Representations of Queer Sexuality in 71 RPG Source Books” by Jaakko Stenros and Tanja Sihvonen, as well as many others.