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Informatics Professor Bill Tomlinson will speak about “Computing, Sustainability and Global Disruption” as part of the University of Toronto’s Department of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series on Nov. 17, 2016. Tomlinson’s talk will discuss his recent work in bringing computational tools to bear on problems of sustainability and disruption; in particular, describing a current research effort that seeks to enable a new approach to sustainable food security.

Below is the full abstract of his talk:
Humanity is currently facing profound global challenges such as climatic disruption, biodiversity loss, air pollution and ocean acidification. These challenges threaten to disrupt the lives of billions of people, and call into question our species’ ability to live sustainably. Fortunately, modern information systems offers a powerful means of tackling complex problems such as those involved in this suite of issues. In this talk, Professor Tomlinson will present his recent work in bringing computational tools to bear on problems of sustainability and disruption. In particular, he will describe a current research effort that seeks to enable a new approach to sustainable food security.

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