Jain publishes book with former student about “Situation Recognition Using EventShop”

Bren Chair and Professor of Computer Science Ramesh Jain co-authored a book with former Ph.D. student Vivek Singh titled Situation Recognition Using EventShop. Published in May 2016 by Springer International Publishing, the 140-page book presents a framework for converting multitudes of data streams into actionable insights based on situation recognition by using an open-source, web-based system called EventShop that doesn’t require programming expertise. According to the authors, the book is useful for both practitioners and researchers working in situation-aware computing: “It acts as a primer for data-enthusiasts and information professionals interested in harnessing the value of heterogeneous big data for building diverse situation-based applications. It also can be used as a reference text by researchers working in areas as varied as database design, multimodel concept recognition, and middle-ware and ubiquitous computing to design and develop frameworks that allow users to create their own situation recognition frameworks.”