Euler's Formula,
Proof 17: Valuations
This proof comes from Klain and Rota, who
develop it as part of a more general theory of invariant measures on
Euclidean spaces. Thanks also to Robin Chapman for helping explain it to
Let be the vector space of functions from
to , and
be the subspace of generated by characteristic functions of
compact convex sets in
. We define a function that maps
to real numbers, as follows:
If , for any
function in , let
(Note that this sum always has only a finite number of nonzero terms.)
If , partition the
coordinates of into sets of and
Thus we can represent any point in as a pair
where is in and is
in .
For any function in
, and any in
, let denote the restriction of to a
cross-section: , so is a
function in . We then
Because and are linear operators,
is a linear function from to . It can also be
shown by a simple induction on dimension that, if is the
characteristic function of a compact convex set , then : By induction,
is the characteristic function of a closed interval, from
which it is clear from the definition that
. Thus also (since has the characteristic functions
of convex compact sets as its basis) is well defined
independently of the choice of coordinates for .
If is the characteristic function of the relative interior of a
polytope , it is in
(by inclusion-exclusion of lower-dimensional faces) and a similar
induction shows that , where is the
dimension of : Because of
the independence of from the coordinate system, we can assume . Each cross-section of
is itself a polytope, so by induction is
times the characteristic function of an open interval,
and the effect of the and operators is to
multiply by another factor of
Now we let be a convex polytope, and evaluate on its
characteristic function in two different ways, by partitioning
into the disjoint union of the relative interiors of its faces. By
linearity of , the sum
of its values on these relative interiors must be the same as its value
on all of , that is,
where the sum is over the set of faces of (including itself).
Grouping the faces by their dimensions, we get a form of Euler's formula:
Proofs of Euler's Formula.
From the Geometry Junkyard,
and recreational geometry pointers.
David Eppstein,
Theory Group,
UC Irvine.