Euler's Formula,
Proof 9: Spherical Angles
The proof by sums of angles works more cleanly in terms of spherical
triangulations, largely because in this formulation there is no
distinguished "outside face" to cause complications in the proof.
We need the following basic fact from spherical trigonometry: if we
consider a unit sphere, with surface area , and look at any
triangle defined by great circle arcs on the sphere, the sum of the
three interior angles is where , the excess of
the triangle, is equal to the surface area of the triangle. See, e.g., Wells, p. 238.
To translate our question on polyhedra to one of
spherical geometry, first triangulate the polyhedron; each new edge
increases and by one each, so is left unchanged.
Now perform a similar light-shining experiment to the one described on
the index page: place a light source at an
interior point of the polyhedron, and place a spherical screen outside
the polyhedron having the light source as its centerpoint. The shadows
cast on the screen by the polyhedron edges will form a spherical
triangulation. Since every edge is on two triangles and every triangle
has three edges, .

We now add up the angles of all the triangles. By the
spherical trigonometry described above, the sum is . Adding the same
angles another way, in terms of the vertices, gives a total of . Since these two sums
measure the same set of angles, and combining this with the
other equation yields the result.
Sommerville attributes this proof to Legendre. Because of its connections with geometric
topology, this is the proof used by Weeks, who also gives an elegant proof of the
spherical angle-area relationship based on inclusion-exclusion of
great-circular double wedges.
The relation on a surface of constant curvature
such as the sphere is a form of the Gauss-Bonnet formula from
differential geometry.
Proofs of Euler's Formula.
From the Geometry Junkyard,
and recreational geometry pointers.
David Eppstein,
Theory Group,
UC Irvine.