Object-Oriented Software EngineeringLecture 1
Hadar Ziv
Ziv Research and Consulting
Object-Oriented Software EngineeringLecture 1
Why Study OO Software?
An Object-Oriented World
Classes and Objects
Class Inheritance
Why is Software Even Important?
What is Software Engineering?
Software Engineering Vs. Programming
Why is Software Development Hard?
The Software Crisis
Examples of Software Crisis
Myths of Software Development (1)
Project Cost by task
Myths of Software Development (2)
Relative Cost of Fixing a Fault
Myths of Software Development (3)
The Software Process
The Software Process
The Software Process
The Waterfall Lifecycle Model
Faking It
Software Engineering Principles
Software Engineering Principles
Separation of Concerns
Anticipation of Change
Summary: Software Engineering
Lecture Summary
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