Diwali celebration (with Prof. Gopi Meenakshisundaram and Prof. Sharad Mehrotra) at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir.

Stanford visit and meeting with Prof. Jeffrey Ullman, his wife and son.

Prof. Jeffrey Ullman visited UCI and gave a distinguished lecture [Feb 2019]. A small academic sub-tree of Prof. Jeff Ullman can be seen in the pic. [Video (~60 mins)]

Prof. Shlomi Dolev visited UCI and gave a lecture in the departmental seminar [March 2019]. [Video (~60 mins)]

Visited UT Dallas and met Prof. Neeraj Mittal after four years [March 2019].

Visited UT Dallas and met Prof. Murat Kantarcioglu [March 2019].


IBM Fellow C. Mohan visited UCI and gave a distinguished lecture. You can see him with his academic brother, Prof. Sharad Mehrotra [2017].

Visited Stanford University and met Prof. Jeffrey Ullman, his wife, and his son Scott Ullman [April 2018].


With Prof. Rafail Ostrovsky during Brandeis Project meeting at Tampa, FL [Oct 2017].

Prof. Shlomi Dolev collected my PhD degree [June, 2017]

Prof. Jeffrey Ullman visited UC Irvine. Prof. Chen Li and Prof. Sharad Mehrotra [March, 2017].


Prof. Sharad Mehrotra's research group, [June 2016].

Farewell pic [May, 2016].


With Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman and his wife Holly Ullman Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman and his wife Holly Ullman [Oct 2014].
With Prof. Moshe Vardi Visited Rice University and met Prof. Moshe Vardi [Oct 2014].

Prof. Shlomi Dolev's research group. This pic is taken on the birthday of Prof. Dolev. [Demeber 5, 2014].



Summer School on Parallel and Distributed Computing (SSPDC-2011) at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, India. [2011]
From left to right: Dr. Poonam Saini, Prof. Sukumar Ghosh, who gave remarkable lectures on distributed computing, my M.Tech. Advisor Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Singh, and Dr. Bharti Sharma.