DataVault Project Page

DataVault is an architecture designed for Web users that allows them to securely access their data from any machine connected to the Internet and also lets them selectively share their data with trusted peers. The DataVault architecture is built on the outsourced database model (ODB), where clients/users outsource their database to a remote service provider who provides data management services such backup, recovery, transportability and data sharing. In DataVault, the service provider is untrusted. The confidentiality and integrity of the user's data is preserved using cryptographic techniques. The service provider manages encrypted data. DataVault utilizes a novel PKI infrastructure and encrypted storage model that allow data sharing to take place via an untrusted server.

New: An academic paper describing the DataVault design can be downloaded here

This web page contains the technical information regarding the DataVault service and its latest build. Please feel free to contact us to provide feedback.