Decentralized Software Evolution
Peyman Oreizy. "Decentralized Software Evolution". Proceedings of the International Conference on the Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 1). Kyoto, Japan. April 20-21, 1998.
Available in postscript, Acrobat PDF, and HTML. The presentation slides are also available.
Peyman Oreizy and Richard N. Taylor. "Coping with Application Inconsistency in Decentralized Software Evolution". Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE 2). Fukuoka, Japan. July 16-17, 1999.
Available in Acrobat PDF.
Software Architecture
Runtime System Evolution
- Peyman Oreizy, Michael M. Gorlick, Richard N. Taylor,
Dennis Heimbigner, Gregory Johnson, Nenad Medvidovic,
Alex Quilici, David S. Rosenblum, and Alexander L. Wolf.
Architecture-Based Approach to Self-Adaptive Software,"
IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, no. 3, pages
54-62. May/June 1999. A revised version of UCI-ICS
Technical Report 98-27, Department of Information
and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine,
August 1998.
Available in Acrobat PDF. The article appeared in a special issue on Self-adaptive software. - Peyman Oreizy. "Issues in Modeling and
Analyzing Dynamic Software Architectures". Proceedings
of the International
Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture in Testing
and Analysis, Marsala, Sicily, Italy. June 30 -
July 3, 1998.
Available in Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy, Richard N. Taylor. "On the
role of software architectures in runtime system
reconfiguration". IEE Proceedings—Software,
vol. 145, no. 5, October 1998. This paper is a revised
version of the ICCDS'98 paper below.
Available in Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy, Richard N. Taylor. "On the
Role of Software Architectures in Runtime System
Reconfiguration". Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Configurable Distributed
Systems (ICCDS 4), pages 61-70, Annapolis,
Maryland, May 4-6, 1998.
Available in postscript and Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy, Nenad Medvidovic, Richard N. Taylor.
"Architecture-Based Runtime Software Evolution".
Proceedings of the International
Conference on Software Engineering 1998 (ICSE'98),
pages 177-186, Kyoto, Japan, April 19-25,
Available in postscript and Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy , David S. Rosenblum, Richard N. Taylor,
"On the Role of Connectors in Modeling and
Implementing Software Architectures", Technical
Report UCI-ICS-98-04, Department of Information and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine,
February 1998.
Available in Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy. "Issues in the Runtime
Modification of Software Architectures", Technical
Report UCI-ICS-96-35, Department of Information and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine,
August 1996.
Available in postscript and Acrobat PDF.
Reuse and Architectural Style
- Nenad Medvidovic, Peyman Oreizy, and Richard N. Taylor.
"Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components in C2-Style
Architectures". Proceedings
of the 1997
Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'97), pages
190-198, Boston, MA, May 17-19, 1997. Reprinted in Proceedings
of the 1997 International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE'97), pages 692-700, Boston, MA,
May 17-23, 1997. Also reprinted in Software
Engineering Notes, vol. 22, no. 3, pages 190-198.
Available in postscript and Acrobat PDF.
Architectural Style and Modeling
- Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidovic, Kenneth M. Anderson,
E. James Whitehead, Jr., Jason E. Robbins, Kari A. Nies,
Peyman Oreizy, and Deborah L. Dubrow. "A
Component- and Message-Based Architectural Style for GUI
Software". IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, vol. 22, no. 6, pages 390-406, June 1996.
Available in postscript.
- Nenad Medvidovic, Peyman Oreizy, Jason E. Robbins, and
Richard N. Taylor. "Using Object-Oriented Typing
to Support Architectural Design in the C2 Style".
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE4), pages 24-32,
San Francisco, CA, October 16-18, 1996. Reprinted in Software
Engineering Notes, vol. 21, no. 6, pages 24-32,
November 1996. Also available as UCI Technical Report
Available in postscript.
- Peyman Oreizy, Nenad Medvidovic, Richard N. Taylor, David
S. Rosenblum. "Software Architecture and
Component Technologies: Bridging the Gap". Proceedings
of the OMG-DARPA Workshop on Compositional Software
Architectures, Monterey, CA, January 6-8, 1998.
Available in Acrobat PDF.
- Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidovic, and Peyman Oreizy.
"Architectural Implications of Common Operator
Interfaces." Proceedings of the Ground
Systems Architectures Workshop (GSAW 98), El
Segundo, CA, February 25-27, 1998.
Available in Acrobat PDF.
- Peyman Oreizy, Gail Kaiser. "The Web as
Enabling Technology for Software Development and
Distribution". IEEE Internet Computing,
Column on Collaborative Work, vol. 1, no. 6, pages
84-87, November/Decement 1997.
This article is a revised and updated version of the paper that appeared at the Workshop on Software Engineering and the World Wide Web below.
The paper is available in Acrobat PDF. - Peyman Oreizy. "The WWW as an Enabling Technology
for Software Engineering ". Workshop on
Software Engineering and the World Wide Web, held in
conjunction with ICSE'97, Boston, MA, May 19, 1997.
The IEEE Internet Computing paper above is a more recent version of this paper.
The paper (in HTML) and presentation slides (in HTML) are available.
- Roy T. Fielding, E. James Whitehead Jr., Kenneth M.
Anderson, Gregory A. Bolcer, Peyman Oriezy, Richard N.
Taylor. "Support for the Virtual Enterprise: Web-based
Development of Complex Information Products". Communication
of the ACM, vol. 41, no. 8, pages 84-92. August,1998.
This paper is a revised version of the technical report below.
Available in Acrobat PDF.
- Roy T. Fielding, E. James Whitehead Jr., Kenneth M.
Anderson, Gregory A. Bolcer, Peyman Oriezy, Richard N.
Taylor. "Software Engineering and the WWW: The
Cobbler's Barefoot Children, Revisted". UCI
Technical Report 96-53. November 1, 1996.
The CACM article above is a more recent version of this paper.
Available in postscript and Acrobat PDF.